Zach peed in his potty last night! I know this doesn’t seem all that exciting, but it was the first time and completely unexpected. I had him sit on the potty before he got in the bathtub and he actually went.
I’m really bummed about the ending of The O.C. I know it is a cheesy teen drama that really went downhill last season, but I’m still not ready to give it up. That said, I think they did a very good job wrapping things up in the final episode. I’m also slightly embarrassed to admit that I cried off and on throughout the whole thing.
Hubby has a blog now. Shocking, I know. I’m gonna give him a little time to get comfortable over there before sharing the address but I have to say I’m a little excited. I’m not sure blogging will be the same for him as it is for me but you just never know.
Plans are now in place for a re-design of our office space here at work. I will finally have my very own office (with a door!). But, I will also move from my quiet little corner in the back up to the front next to my mom and boss. That could have some negative effects.
I now have a deadline for the baby blanket I’m knitting for my sister. I have to have it done by March 4th because we are going to have a surprise mini baby shower for her at a friend’s house that afternoon. I just started it Sunday so that means that I have to finish knitting a blanket in two weeks which will be just short of a miracle for me. The good news is that I am almost 1/3 done with it so if I work really hard all weekend and during the evenings next week I just might be able to finish it.
Zach is going back to the doctor today to re-consider him for tubes in his ears. The doc agreed to it last time I had him in but we decided to hold off. Now that he’s had to suffer through two more ear infections I have decided we should go ahead and do it. I’m just hoping the doctor agrees with me.
Wow….I’m impressed that the hubby was even interested in having a blog. I wish mine would. And grats on your son using the potty. Mine used it the first time today. I just hope he can keep it up.
Wow….I’m impressed that the hubby was even interested in having a blog. I wish mine would. And grats on your son using the potty. Mine used it the first time today. I just hope he can keep it up.