Today Zachary turned seven months old. In the last month it seems like he has changed from a helpless infant into a very charming little man. In no time at all he learned to sit up, crawl, talk (well, he can say “dada” over and over and over again), pull himself up to a standing position, and even grew two teeth. He has learned to communicate when he wants to be picked up and when he wants to be put down. He responds when spoken to (usually with “dada”) and looks up when you call his name. And seriously, this kid has the most amazing laugh I’ve ever heard. I could sit around for hours tickling him just to hear him laugh. I am so in love with him and even though I’m not sure it is even possible, I think my love for him gets stronger every day.

Wow, your little guy is such a little over acheiver!! Nolan just started pulling himself up on stuff (at 11 months!).
I feel the same way about my little guy- I could just squish him to pieces and then eat him with a sprinkle of cinnamon. Same goes for my daughter.
That’s great progress in cognitive development for only 7 months! And he looks so happy too. π Here you were worried about not being a good mom — but look at all you’ve done! What a cutie.
Dada! π
Just Γ DORABLE! I must add that I think it is hilarious that all these Blogging Babies have the SAME FisherPrice Ocean Wonders aquarium theme serving as a background for so many of their pictures. π
He is quite amazing. So are you!! π