I’m getting ridiculously anxious for my ultrasound next week (Monday, 3:00!). I absolutely can not wait to find out whether this baby is a he or a she. We’re pretty settled on both a girl and a boy name already, which is kind of amazing considering how long (and how many disagreements) it took us the first time around.
I’m just so ready to start preparing things. I’ve got the nesting bug in a serious way right now, I just don’t have the energy or the time to do the work required. I would just really like to know whether to start pulling out the purple girl stuff or the blue boy stuff (sorry, but kid #3 gets the hand-me-downs!). Plus, whichever I don’t need? I can finally get rid of FOR GOOD. We are definitely done after this one and my basement could use a good cleaning out!
So little one dancing around in my belly – this is your warning. Do not cross your legs on Monday or I’ll be poking you until you uncross them!