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Tag: ultrasound

Gender Revealed

Baby #3

Yesterday was the day that I feel like I’ve been waiting a million years for – the 20 week ultrasound!  Since we’re only allowed 2 extra people in the room, and I couldn’t choose between my 2 kids, I invited my mom to come along and take a look as baby got checked out.

The sonographer asked if we wanted to know the gender, to which I replied, “YES!!! TELL ME NOW!!!” (or something like that).

Then I sat back and waited patiently while she checked out and measured all the vital stuff and made sure we have a healthy baby in there.

Finally, she took a peek and there was absolutely no denying that we are having a baby BOY!

The little guy is measuring about a week and 2 days ahead of my original due date, so I’m anxious to see if my doc decides to change the date or if she thinks I’m just having a ginormous baby (which would not be at all surprising).  The original due date was set by an early ultrasound, so it may be that he’s just a big baby.  I’m all for having this baby a week earlier though!

Hubby made me promise not to tell the kids until we were all home, which nearly killed me, but I kept my mouth shut. When we finally told them, they were very excited. Evie, who has wanted a baby sister all along said, “Yay! I wanted a baby brother!”  Zach was thrilled as well since he’s been hoping for a boy the whole time.

And now I get to start digging through my basement and getting rid of all of the pink/purple girlie stuff…


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I’m getting ridiculously anxious for my ultrasound next week (Monday, 3:00!). I absolutely can not wait to find out whether this baby is a he or a she. We’re pretty settled on both a girl and a boy name already, which is kind of amazing considering how long (and how many disagreements) it took us the first time around.

I’m just so ready to start preparing things. I’ve got the nesting bug in a serious way right now, I just don’t have the energy or the time to do the work required. I would just really like to know whether to start pulling out the purple girl stuff or the blue boy stuff (sorry, but kid #3 gets the hand-me-downs!). Plus, whichever I don’t need? I can finally get rid of FOR GOOD. We are definitely done after this one and my basement could use a good cleaning out!

So little one dancing around in my belly – this is your warning. Do not cross your legs on Monday or I’ll be poking you until you uncross them!

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