I’ve been trying to write something, anything, for days. But the words just won’t come. I want to write about what a special, amazing, yet simple, Christmas we had, but I don’t think words can convey the feelings in my heart this time around. All I really can say is that it was filled with fun, good food, and people that I love dearly. I didn’t feel stressed, even though I rushed to get everything done. The kids were so excited and so much fun. We had Hubby’s parents here again this year, which makes it even more special. It was just a perfect day all around.
Zach was thrilled that Santa did indeed bring him a DSi. He was convinced he was getting it, so I’m glad it turned out that way or we would have had a very unhappy little boy.
Evie was pretty happy with everything she got, but she especially loves the little trampoline. She’d be much happier if she didn’t have to share it with her brother though. She really got into opening the gifts this year and it was so much fun to watch her.
After the gifts were all opened and the kids had some time to play, we headed over to Grandma’s house where Hubby was more than happy to try out his new turkey fryer. Zach had an extra surprise at Grandma’s when he bit into an olive and out came a tooth! It was his first one to lose and he was so excited!
(apologies for the bloody picture, but I haven’t managed to get a better one yet!)
We had a delicious dinner and opened gifts with the family, visited, played, and finally came back home when we were completely exhausted from the day.
Then we got up the next day, headed to my Dad’s house, and did it all over again! The kids enjoyed having another day of Christmas and it was nice to spend some time with my Dad and his wife since we don’t see them often anymore.
We even managed to get a picture of all six grandkids together again. They may not be smiling or looking in the same direction, but they are all in the picture.
And that was our Christmas. It may seem a bit hectic, but to be perfectly honest, it was one of the best (and most relaxed) Christmases I have had in a while.