Tomorrow I will be MIA around here because I have jury duty. Blah! I’m really not looking forward to it at all. I’m sure the $6 pay will not even cover the cost of downtown parking, much less my lunch. Hopefully I will get dismissed right away and be able to go home and play hookey the rest of the day. My dad’s wife is a lawyer and she tells me just to raise my hand for every question. We’ll see what happens.
Since I’m not going to be around, I’m leaving you all a homework assignment while I’m gone.
I totally stole this idea from Dad Gone Mad so please forgive me if you wander over here. I just thought it would be fun and they say imitation is flattery, right?
Here’s a short survey for my readers (yep, all two of you). Please answer the following questions in the comments:
- What is your drink of choice?
- What is spinning in your cd player (or on the Ipod) right now?
- Describe the last photo you took.
- What is your favorite spot on the web?
- How much time a day do you spend reading blogs?
- What three cds could you not live without?
- What is the best book you’ve ever read?
- If you were throwing a dinner party, what would you serve?
- What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
- What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
- What is your opinion of required jury duty?