For the rest of the day, I’m committing myself to work. No internet. Just work, work, work. But, I work much better with music and I can’t seem to decide what to listen to. So, in order to help the day pass more quickly, I’m asking all of you a favor. Leave me a comment and tell me what you’re listening to so I can go check it out. I love discovering new music and I’m pretty sure you all know about some great band that I haven’t heard of yet. Go on, click that little link down there and share!

Shoot, I accidentally previewed instead of posted.
I’m listening to Patty Griffen, especially the amazing “1000 Kisses” album.
Oh – and I give you an hour before checking your e-mail! hehehehe 🙂
Internet addicts united!
Will never be divided!!
I have not been listening to any new music since I do not have a car radio, But I really like Justin Timberlake’s new song, sexyback