Tomorrow is the big day! It is time for the ultrasound and I can’t wait to find out if we’re having a girl or a boy this time. Zach is getting more and more interested in the baby so I’m going to let him go along to see the baby on the ultrasound machine. Hopefully he’ll understand that the blog he’s seeing really is his little brother or sister.
So, do you guys want to have a little fun? Take a guess in the poll below and tell me if you think it’s a boy or girl.
I’ll post as soon as I can tomorrow and share the news!

I’m voting girl, but there seems to be a boy boom of late. Good luck! Whatever it is, just let it be perfectly healthy!
I know I was late, but I voted girl- just checked your flickr site too and found my answer!! Congratulations, baby girls are sooooo much more fun to dress!!