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Category: Around the Web

You're The Inspiration

Some days all I want to do is write.  There are things that need to move from my head to a piece of paper (or a glowing screen). I’ve always had that side to me.  When I feel something deeply, I need to write it out.  It helps me process.  It helps me release the hurt, the joy, the emotions that build up inside of me.  When I was younger, it came out in poetry or letters to those that had wronged me, sometimes to those who I was infatuated with beyond my own understanding.  Most of those words were never read by any eyes other than my own.  As soon as the words were released, they were destroyed (and boy do I wish I had held onto some of that).

When I first started blogging, it was my own private little getaway.  I could write about anything and everything I wanted.  The internet was full of strangers.  I didn’t use my name.  I didn’t tell anyone that this private world of mine existed.  But I made friends in my private little world.  And they told me that my writing was good.  They validated my feelings.  They helped me become more honest with myself and with my writing.  They helped me overcome my shyness.  They made me feel like I had something to contribute to this world, even if it only reaches a few.  They made me feel like my story was important.

When I decided to move up in the blogging world and buy my own domain, I chose the name Voices In My Mind.  The title came from the lyrics of a song: “Voices in my mind, the voices I can’t hide”.  The line just kept ringing through my head.  I was done hiding my voice.  I was ready to let the world hear it.

In the beginning I let it all out – the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I was in a pretty dark place for a while and I complained about everything and everyone that had wronged me.  I complained about my husband, my job, my money issues.  I didn’t even realize how many boundaries I had overstepped until I suddenly found my blog being featured in the Kansas City Star.  Talk about a panic attack!  At least I had a little time to delete and make private some of the worst ones.  Going public changed the way I write.  It made me think twice about the words flowing onto the screen.  It made me keep a lot inside.  It also reduced my blog from a personal blog to a “mommy blog” in many ways.  I stopped writing so much about my true feelings and more and more about my kids as they were a safe topic for my family and friends to read.

At some point during my pregnancy with Evie, my blogging really slowed down.  After she was born it slowed down even more.  Life with two kids was much harder and busier than I had anticipated.  My blog posts decreased to maybe one a week, sometimes more, sometimes less.  It got to the point where when I did want to sit down and write it had been so long since the last post that I felt too overwhelmed to write anything at all.  I wanted to change it. I just didn’t know how.

At some point in there I also stopped really reading blogs. I didn’t completely stop reading, but found it was easier to keep up with people on Twitter.  So I’d click a link here and there but pretty much stopped keeping up with my feed reader.  It was just all too much.  I didn’t feel like there was enough time for my personal life and my online life.  Yet, I still felt like something was missing.

Somewhere amidst the BlogHer ’09 hoopla I found inspiration again.  I’ve read account after account of women finally getting to meet their favorite bloggers, friends who have reached out to each other with their words, women who have bonded over babies, infertility, humor, politics, and a plethora of other things.  I’ve read posts that have literally brought me to tears because of the emotions so strongly conveyed through letters strung together on a glowing white screen.  It gives me goosebumps even thinking of it now.

Suddenly I want to write again, and not just about my kids.  I want to write from the heart.  I want to fill the page with my emotions, no matter who is reading.  I want people who stop by this space to know who I am, not just about my kids.  I want to be a part of this amazing blogging community.  I want to read posts from my favorite bloggers that fill me with so many emotions and “aha” moments.  I want to interact with all of the amazing women (and men) that I’ve come across in the blogosphere and not just sit silently on the sidelines.  I want to be a part of something bigger.  I want to step outside of this comfortable little box that I’ve been hiding in.

Over the last week or so I’ve been sprucing things up around here.  You won’t notice any major changes (especially if you’re reading through a feed reader), but I have updated a few things, including adding uPrinting as a blog sponsor and a few text ads (with all proceeds being set aside for a new camera fund and my next big dream).  I’ve also updated my About page, the Blogs I Read page (to reflect those that I’m actually trying to keep up with again), and added links to my other sites along the top.  On top of that, I finally took the time to update to the most recent versions of WordPress and Thesis (the best theme of all time).

So, for now anyway, I’m re-energized.   I’m ready to rock this thing.  You are the inspiration and I love every single one of you.

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I Can't Hug Them Tight Enough

Tonight my heart is broken.  It is broken for Maddie and for Thalon.  It is broken for their parents, siblings, families,  friends, and everyone who knew and loved these two amazing kids.  This just isn’t supposed to happen.

I cried when I read about Maddie on Twitter.  It’s a nightmare, my nightmare, the worst thing I can ever imagine.  No one should ever lose a child.  It’s more pain than anyone should ever have to bear.

I know these things happen every day, but it isn’t every day that I read about it.  It isn’t every day that I read a first-hand account of the worst thing that I can possibly imagine.  That’s the amazing thing about the blogging community.  Somehow it makes it all more real.  I guess that’s why it hurt even more to read about Thalon today.  The tears started rolling and I had an uncontrollable urge to hug my daughter tight.  She’s only a few months younger than Maddie and a little less than a year older than Thalon.  The reality that I could wake up someday and not have her here was just too much.

I see reports of children dying on the news, either because they are sick or some horrible tragedy happens and even though it saddens me, it has never quite hit home like the tragedies that happened this week.  It hurts so bad.  It makes me question so many things – like why my life is so good and why my children are so perfectly healthy.  It makes me question why I take these things for granted so often.

Tonight I’m hugging my kids extra tight, kissing them, and making sure they know just how much I love them and just how grateful I am to have them in my life.  If ever tomorrow doesn’t come – for me or for them – I want to make sure they know that they are my world and I would never be the same without them.

My heart is forever changed.  It may not be completely broken, but it will never be the same again.  It hurts for every parent who has ever lost a child…and I know there are many.  They are all in my thoughts and prayers tonight.

The online community has truly amazed me over the last few days.  You can’t go on Twitter without seeing the hashtags for #maddie and #thalon.  These babies, these families are so loved.  So many have donated to March of Dimes, donated to help cover medical and funeral expenses, donated their time and energy to help in whatever way they can.  Even though I sit over here in my own little corner of the web most days, I’m proud to be part of a community that cares so much about each other.  It gives me a little hope in a world filled with sadness.

There is nothing that can take away the grief that these families are surely feeling, but if you want to help relieve some of the financial burdens that these families are facing, please follow the links below and donate what you can.


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Blissfully Domestic Re-Launches

Blissfully Domestic, the online destination for everything domestic is re-launching today with a new magazine-style layout. Included in the re-launch is the division of channels so you can easily find the content you want. So why am I posting about this here? Because I am going to be a contributor for the new Creative Bliss channel. I’ll be posting over there a couple times a month about crafts I’ve been doing or fun things I’ve discovered. I’ll try to remember to link it up here when my posts are up, but if you are into crafts you might as well just subscribe over there because there are a lot of other crafty ladies posting some great stuff too. Go on, go check it out. There’s a little something for everybody.

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A Fresh Start

getting craftyI’ve been a little absent around here lately and I can only blame it on one thing: The creative juices are flowing. Pregnancy seems to zap it all out of me but it is finally coming back. In the last two weeks I completed a re-design of this site, created a completely new site, and actually did a little sewing on top of that. I feel such a sense of accomplishment.

But, that’s not what this post is about. What this is about is the launch of my new site Getting Crafty! A few of you may recall a little site I started up a year or so ago called Novice Knitting. Well, I haven’t been doing much knitting lately and the site has been pretty much abandoned because of that. So, what I’ve done is rolled it all over into a new site that will feature all of my craft projects (not just knitting!) as well as feature some great craft ideas and amazing crafters that I find around the internet. I won’t promise daily posting because I still have a full time job, two kids, a husband, and two other blogs to take care of but I am hoping to update at least a couple times a week.

So, even if you aren’t into crafting, please come on over and take a look around. If nothing else, come check out my latest sewing project.

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Why Google Reader is My Best Friend

I’ve had a few people ask me recently about feed readers and RSS and what it all is.  If you only read one or two blogs, it’s not going to make much difference in your life, but if you read ten or more? Definitely worth figuring out how to subscribe and use a feed reader.  Simple Mom has a great post up that explains it all in very easy terms.  I highly suggest clicking on the link below and giving it a read.

RSS subscription options explained in plain language | simple mom.

p.s. I promise I’ll have a real post soon! Just wanted to pass this along.

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