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Month: February 2009

The Green Roselette

Roselette Top

When I was in college I worked with developmentally disabled adults in a group home. It was there that I first really got interested in crafts. One of the ladies I worked with loved to crochet and after watching her for a while I decided I wanted to learn. I taught myself from a book, made an afghan, a couple purses and hats and then I pretty much quit crocheting. I picked up knitting a couple of years ago and haven’t even thought of crocheting a single thing since.

Then I came across the adorable Roselette Top over at Craftivist and knew I had to make it. I finally tracked down the pattern at Chez Plum and sat down with some soft cotton yarn and my crochet hook.

I absolutely loved making this! It was very simple and I cannot wait to put it on Evie. I did alter the pattern slightly and left the buttonholes off. Instead I used smaller buttons and was able to use the natural space between double crochet stitches as buttonholes. The whole thing only took me a few evenings (while watching TV) and I am pretty slow since I haven’t crocheted in years. I think I am more proud of this than anything else I’ve ever made. I’ve already bought yarn for the next one!

(And even though I didn’t plan it that way, it will be perfect for St. Patrick’s Day!)

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So Worth It

Tonight I sat down to do one of my least favorite tasks – paying bills. It didn’t used to be so bad. I sat down, sorted through the bills, paid what was due, and that was that. These days I have to juggle numbers and figure out what I can pay and what I have to push back until payday. The money just never stretches far enough. By the time we pay day care and buy groceries there just isn’t enough left over to pay everything else. The whole thing just depresses me.


Then I look at the beautiful faces of my kids and the depression all washes away. No matter what, the struggle is worth it. Everything I do is for them and they pay me back with smiles, laughs, hugs, kisses, and unconditional love. That’s worth more than all the money in the world.


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Won't You Be My Valentine?

heartsAs of last night we entered into a new realm in this parenting gig.  The one in which my children want to exchange Valentine’s.  We have done Valentine’s in previous years, but this was the first time that Zach actually wanted to do Valentine’s.  It is the first year that it has meant anything to him.

I’ll have you know that I was prepared.  There was a left over box of Disney character Valentine’s from last year that we forgot to use sitting in the file cabinet.  I even went all out and bought a box of heart-shaped gummy fruit snacks for him to pass out to his friends.  I thought for sure that was enough.  I mean really, what do you expect from a 3-year-old?  I thought we were doing good.

Then I picked the kids up from day care yesterday.  Zach ran to the door to show me the Valentine he had received from one of the other kids (he handed them out early since he doesn’t attend on Fridays).  Then he showed me Evie’s.  This kid had handed out hand made Cars Valentine’s.  Each card had a perfectly crafted Cars character on it with amazing details cut and pasted.  I’m sure his crafty mom had a part in this but suddenly our store bought flimsy little cards seemed incredibly inferior.

I’m not the only one that noticed the inferiority of our cards.  When I pulled them out to help Zach sign his name to the cards, he wasn’t happy.  “But I want to make the cards, Mama!”  Normally I’m all for getting crafty, but the 30 minutes I had set aside to prepare Valentine’s cards did not allow for making cards.  I finally convinced him to settle for what we had but he was still a bit disappointed.  I did at least get out some ribbon, hole punched the card and bag of fruit snacks, and tied them together with a ribbon.  He found that to be acceptable and at the end was still excited to hand his cards out.


Next year I think we need to start a bit earlier.

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Down In A Hole


I’m finally starting to emerge from the hole I’ve been in the last couple of weeks and apparently I missed half of February already. Funny how that can happen. It started with my kids getting sick. Then just when I thought they were well, they got sick again, and again. I spent the majority of two weeks at home taking care of sick kids. I think I worked a total of two full days over the course of two weeks. Everyone is finally well, or at least on the way there (with the help of antibiotics) now but I’m still desperately scrambling to catch up. My house is a disaster, I’m way behind at work, and my mind is pretty much just a scattered mess.


The highlight of it all was that we had such beautiful weather last weekend. My in-laws were in town for a visit so we took the kids to the park to have a picnic lunch and enjoy the sunshine for a bit. They definitely needed it after being cooped up in the house for nearly two weeks. Zach enjoyed playing with some other kids he met at the park while Evie got a chance to swing and have a little snuggle time with Papa.

On Tuesday I celebrated my 31st birthday. I spent most of the day rather bummed out because birthdays just aren’t that exciting for me anymore. I’m already a hundred times more excited for Evie’s birthday next month than I was for my own. My mom did surprise me by sending me flowers which cheered me up a bit. She also got me a light stand to add to my photography equipment. And, since I’ve recently become a bit yarn-obsessed again, I bought myself some yarn and new knitting needles (it was really my gift from Hubby and the kids, but he had no idea what to get so I got to shop for it).  Then I came home and made myself a new hat (which I haven’t taken pictures of yet).


I think that pretty much sums up the last few weeks.   I don’t know whether it is just the time of year or if the two weeks of sick kids and subsequent catching up has just taken its toll on me, but I’ve been feeling very uninspired, especially when it comes to writing.  I’ve been spending a lot of time knitting and crocheting and haven’t been online as much as usual.  I’m ready for Spring to get here as it always seems to give me a boost, both mentally and physically.  In the meantime, I guess I’ll just have to keep chuggin’ along.

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It Only Took A Year

I’m not sure what has gotten into me over the last couple of weeks, but I have been in such a knitting mood.  I suppose I pushed myself into it by vowing to finish my mom’s scarf that I promised her for her birthday last year.  Her birthday is in 3 days and I just finally finished the scarf last week!  I didn’t really expect it to take me a year to finish but I guess I got a little distracted.

Mom & her scarf

Then over the weekend I made three more hats. I made two adorable pink and brown Chunky Knit Beanies, one for Evie and one for my niece Caitlin. I also knit up another Hot Hedd in camouflage for Zach, although with the stretch of the ribbing, it also fits me pretty well.

A Perfect Pair

I love knitting hats because they knit up so fast. To speed things up even more, I decided to try knitting continental style again. I’ve done it before but never could quite get comfortable with it. I never could figure out how to purl continental style. I decided to give it another go this weekend (with some video tutorials at and I have now been converted. Once I got over the awkwardness and figured out how to hold my hands, I fell in love with it and I’ll never go back.


Next up, I think it is about time I knit something for myself. I have a few ideas in mind, but I can’t decide which one to start on first!

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