I would really like to write something, but do you see this sweet little angel here?
She’s not always so sweet.
Those little bitty teeth there? They are SHARP! Guess what she likes to do with them? BITE anything and everything that she comes into contact with, including my boobs. Not only does she like to bite the boobs, but she seems to think that if Mommy is around she should be nursing non-stop. I even resorted to giving her a bottle last night but she pushed it away and five minutes later was screaming for the boobs again. This one is going to be a nightmare to wean.
Yes, that sweet little angel is draining the life right out of me. So, if I’m not around much at least now you know why.

You definitely are a trooper, I couldn’t handle being pinched by nothing but gums! When the little ones get hungry enough, they don’t mind the bottle- at least my kids didn’t. like the one night Paige cried herself to sleep and we couldn’t figure out what her problem was… the next morning I figured out the nipple (that I had just bought) didn’t have a HOLE in it!! Poor baby!! I can’t believe she actually cried herself into a frenzy and slept the whole night on an empty stomach. I still feel guilty about that one.
Oh no! That’s horrible! I bet she was one angry baby. With Evie it isn’t so
much that she’s hungry. She just wants to nurse ALL THE TIME! She did
better last night though, so I’m crossing my fingers that she’s getting
past this stage.