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Glitter Glue Disaster

As you might have noticed, I’ve been missing for a while over here. It has a lot to do with a trip out of town, in-laws visiting, and a very cranky little girl who feels the need to be held by Mommy every second they are together but you can read more about that over at my personal blog.

Fortunately, Christmas is coming and it has got me in the crafting mood.  I have several projects lined up for the next couple of weeks so hopefully I’ll be posting a bit more frequently.  The one that brought me out of my crafting slump was the need for new Christmas stockings.  Since money is tight, I decided to go cheap…$1.99 cheap.  I picked up four cheapo Christmas stockings and a package of glitter glue and went to town.  These may be more appropriate to post over at Craftastrophe, but here they are in all their glory.


As you can see, drawing with glitter glue isn’t exactly my specialty.  But, the stockings are done for this year.  Apparently my cats weren’t impressed either so they decided to walk all over them and spread the glitter around a bit.  Maybe they just wanted sparkly paws?  Fortunately I took the picture before the cats got to them.  It looks like we’ll be getting new ones again next year.  Maybe if I save up I can afford some of these.
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Published inOther Crafts


  1. Awe, those are awesome!

  2. Dee Dee

    Thanks! They’re not at all what I had in mind when I started the project, but they’ll do.

  3. These are not bad at all!!

    I lucked out, my Mother in law put herself in charge of our stockings since my husband and I got married- they are a little hideous but she cross stitched my kids stockings and they are fabulous.

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