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Tag: shopping

Need A Little Help From the Babywearers

With Baby G’s arrival quickly approaching (only 9 more weeks!) I’m feeling this intense desire to get everything ready.  I’ve got a baby shower coming up in a few weeks, I’ve done the gift registries, and I’m anxiously waiting to see what adorable girly gifts my friends and family are going to bestow on me.  In the meantime though, I’m going crazy wanting to have everything ready.  It is taking every ounce of energy I have to keep myself from buying things while I wait.

The fun part about having a second baby is that I already have the majority of the “essentials” on hand.  I have the car seat, stroller, high chair, pack ‘n’ play, swing, etc.  That means that registering was a lot more fun.  I got to register for some of those frivolous things that I didn’t register for the last time around because I needed so many of the basics.  There are a few things of Zach’s that need replaced (bottle nipples, washcloths, bibs, etc.), and since I’m having a girl this time around I also want a few girly items to replace all of the blue.  Then there are the items I really wanted last time around that I just didn’t have the money for.

One of the things I really wanted and never managed to get when Zach was a baby was a sling.  I had a Snugli front carrier and later got a hip carrier, but I always wanted a sling when Zach was an infant.  Not only do I anticipate needing to have my hands free while mothering both an infant and a toddler, but I’m also hoping to find one that I can use to breastfeed a little more discretely when we’re out and about.  This is where I need help.  I’ve talked about wanting a sling so much that my mom has agreed to buy me one, but I have to pick out the one I want…and there are millions to choose from.  I found a couple that I like on Amazon, but it is so hard to tell from pictures which one would really be the best.

So, I’m looking for recommendations (with links, please!).  If any of you moms out there have used slings, which ones did you like or not like?  What was great about them?  What sucked about them?  How do you choose from the millions of options out there?

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Dee's Geek-Friendly Holiday Gift Guide

Everybody all over the internet is posting their own version of holiday gift guides and I’m feeling left out. I have great ideas this year for gifts, but unfortunately am limited in funds. Plus, most of my family and friends are not as geeky as me and wouldn’t appreciate some of the great things I’ve found. So, if you are searching for gift ideas for that somewhat geeky, sorta crafty, gadget-loving person in your life maybe one of these items will jump out at you. Or, you know, if you are shopping for somebody like me, any of these would be fantastic gift ideas. Best of all, none of them are super expensive.

photokeychain1.jpgFirst up is the digital photo keychain. This particular model is made by Coby, but a quick online search will turn up lots of other options. It would be a great gift for new parents, grandparents, or even kids who like to show off their photos to their friends. The screen quality isn’t the best, but good enough to show off photos of the new baby or grandkids. Along the same line is the credit card size photo album which can easily be carried around in a wallet or purse.

eyefi.jpgSince we’re talking about digital photos, let’s move on to the next item, the Eye-Fi Wireless SD Memory Card. I’ve been drooling over this since I first found out about it. Stick this little SD card into any digital camera that uses SD memory and you can transfer your photos instantly. No more searching for lost cords or card readers. With this little device you no longer need them. There is also a CF card adapter available if you need it.

butter.jpgFor those not-so-technical girls on your list, you can’t go wrong with some nice smelling lotions and/or body wash. I suggest Victoria’s Secret Ultra-Softening Body Butter. It is light and non-greasy and feels so good going on. Plus, it doesn’t irritate the skin (unless you are allergic, I suppose) and it smells fabulous. Coming from someone with extremely sensitive, dry skin, that is saying a lot. I highly recommend the “Love Spell” scent as I haven’t met a person yet who doesn’t just love it.

chiller.jpgI’m not sure where I originally saw the link, but I bookmarked it and have been waiting for just the right time to buy this one. I think it would be a great gift for anyone who spends a lot of time sitting at their computer. This USB Drink Chiller and Warmer can keep your coffee hot and your soda cold. All it takes is a little flip of a switch. It is powered by USB, making it just as portable as your laptop. Everyone has seen the coffee warmers, but I love that this one does both. I’m not a fan of coffee, but occasionally have a cup of hot chocolate on a cold snowy day. I would use it mostly to keep my water or soda cold as I usually find myself drinking it warm every afternoon. The CoolIT USB Beverage Chiller is another option for those who just want their drinks cold.

stone.jpgFor the music lover in your life, I have a couple of suggestions. First off is the Creative Zen Stone MP3 player. This tiny little 1GB player easily fits in the palm of your hand, is half the price of an iPod Shuffle, and doesn’t limit you to using iTunes for transferring your music. There is also a 2GB version for those that may want to carry more music with them. Of course, if you are gifting and MP3 player, why not include a gift card for iTunes, or a gift membership to Rhapsody or eMusic so they can fill that thing up?

itzbeen.jpgAre any of your friends taking part in the recent baby boom? It seems half of the women I know are just about to pop out new babies and the Itzbeen Baby Care Timer would be a great gift for them. I can’t imagine a more useful tool for new parents. It keeps track of how long it has been since the baby’s last feeding, diaper change, and time awake/asleep, plus has an extra timer for whatever miscellaneous item you may want to track. There is also a nursing reminder switch to help you keep track of which side the baby has last fed from. It is hard to remember much of anything during those first few sleep deprived months and I really wish I would have had one of these when my son was born. It would also be handy to pass off to a baby-sitter or grandparents if you can ever manage to let your little one out of your site.

I want to mention one last thing before I finish this list off and that is Etsy. If you are buying for anyone with a bit of a crafty flair, you should definitely check it out. Most Etsy items are handmade and some of the most creative I’ve seen. There are so many fun things over there I can’t even narrow it down, but I’m pretty sure you can find something for anybody over there.

I’m going to end it here because it has taken me long enough to write all this out and do all the linking.  Hopefully this list at least gives you some fun ideas to work with.  Now, go shop!

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'Tis the Season for Giving

Indeed the time is upon us…already.  I’ve been a little put off by the Christmas songs already streaming across the radio stations and all of the Christmas decorations that were in stores even before Halloween this year.  It always seems early, but this year it feels like retail stores are in an even bigger rush to push the shopping upon us.  It makes me wonder if they think people will buy more if it is out earlier.  It sure doesn’t work for me.  In fact, it just makes me not want to shop at all.

Unfortunately, the shopping is inevitable if I want to have gifts for those special people in my life come Christmas morning.  I’ve been picking up a few small things here and there for Zach, and really only have one more large item that I want to get for him.  I haven’t gotten it yet because I’m pretty sure it is going to require a trip to Toys R Us, which I try to avoid like the plague.   If my boss lets me off early tomorrow I may venture out there.  I need to pick up some birthday presents for my nephews as well and I guess that’s as good of a place as any to look.

The last couple of years I have done the majority of my shopping online just because it is much easier than getting out in the crowds.   I would much rather do a quick search and pay a few extra dollars of shipping than have to trudge through store after store looking for the exact item I want.  This year I have a few unique items in mind that can only be purchased online and I suppose I should get them ordered soon.  I’m waiting for a name drawing on my side of the family before I really dig in and still need ideas for a couple of other people.

I’m having no problems whatsoever coming up with ideas for Zach or myself though.  I’ve been updating our Amazon wishlists like crazy and keep having to stop myself when I want to add yet another item (linked in the sidebar for any family members who may want to refer back).  I also keep finding things I want for the baby, who will not even be here until three months after Christmas.  I’ve already started an Amazon baby registry and will hopefully venture out to Babies R Us or Target soon for those things that can’t be easily purchased online.

So yes, ’tis the season for giving and receiving.  I don’t want to sound greedy, but I do enjoy opening a few gifts and discovering just what my loved ones have picked out for me.  But, I enjoy watching others open their gifts even more.

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Because I Can't Resist A Good Sale

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I’m trying so hard to resist, but I’ve waited so long to be able to buy cute little girl clothes that I just can’t help myself (and this doesn’t even include the ones my mom bought!). Besides that, I’ve never been able to pass by a clearance rack without at least checking it out. I don’t think Baby G will ever be wanting for clothes.

30 Days of Thanks Today I’m thankful for my brother.  He celebrates his 25th birthday today and even though I still think of him as a kid most of the time, I’ve also very proud of the man that he has become over the last few years.  I can’t wait to watch as he becomes a father next month.  I’m anxious for him to experience the joy that is parenthood and look forward to our little girls growing up together.  Happy Birthday Bro!

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