First off I want to congratulate all of the winners in the We Fit Families Mother’s Day Mega Bash! There were some great prizes awarded and lots of fun had at the #fitfam Twitter party. I hope everyone that participated had a great experience and learned some new ways to keep your family active and fit.
It has already been announced on Twitter, but just in case you missed it, Sarah N is the winner of the Grandma Rocks T-shirt! Her entry was #11 out of 12 and was chosen by Sarah, you’ll be receiving an e-mail with instructions on where to submit your address to ship your t-shirt.
If you didn’t win this one make sure to come back and check out my other giveaways. You can currently enter to win a customized gift from KindNotes (up to $45 value!) and I have two more great giveaways coming up soon!