The day before Thanksgiving is just as busy, if not more busy, than the actual day. First of all, there is work. Completing a week’s worth of work in three days instead of five can get a little stressful, especially when you are an expert procrastinator like me. I put off things that should have probably been done on Monday thinking I had plenty of time. Then I was told today that I need to be available for two different meetings Wednesday morning which will likely take up most of the time before lunch. I had hopes of being able to leave a little early to run some errands and start getting ready for Thanksgiving day. Now it doesn’t look as if that will happen.
I am very much looking forward to Thanksgiving day. We plan to spend the day at my mom’s house watching the parade, enjoying a little football, and of course doing some cooking. If I’m really lucky, I might even get to take a nap or do a little bit of knitting. At some point in the day, my brother, sister, and their families will join us and we’ll have our traditional Thanksgiving dinner together. I can’t wait for the food. I’m not sure I’ve ever been so excited about eating. As I told a friend over IM today, I’ve been working on stretching my stomach out for the last few days so I’ll have plenty of room.
I’ll be posting at some point tomorrow to fulfill my NaBloPoMo requirement, but to all of you celebrating Thanksgiving on Thursday, I hope you have a wonderfully relaxing day with your family and friends. I’m very thankful that you are all around, because this blog wouldn’t be nearly as much fun without you.
I believe that today is also the due date for my first little niece. Somewhere over in Hawaii, my brother-in-law and sister-in-law are anxiously awaiting the arrival of their first child. I am anxiously awaiting pictures since I won’t be able to be there to meet here when she arrives. I just hope the wait isn’t too much longer. A healthy delivery would certainly be something to be thankful for tomorrow!

A healthy delivery is something to be thankful for, indeed! Hope everything goes smoothly.