Tomorrow is Thanksgiving but for me it almost feels like Christmas. I am really looking forward to the four day weekend. I’m just downright giddy actually that I don’t have to go to work tomorrow even though this week has been one of the best I’ve had in a long time.
Having Zach come to work with me this week was a lot of fun. It was a lot of extra work chasing him around and trying to keep him quiet, but I loved getting the extra time with him. If anything, I think I actually got more work done this week because I worked so much harder and faster than I normally do. In between changing Zach’s dvd’s, trying to quiet him down, and keep him from climbing on the storage boxes, I rushed around to complete the necessary work.
Zach and I worked until about 1:00 every day and then we came home so that he could get a nap in and I could finish up whatever I was working on from home. Somehow I managed to get my work done, get several piles of laundry washed, pay my bills, and even have a little time left over before 5:00 came.
I think I’ll miss him next week when he goes back to day care. It was fun getting to hang out with him all day. The tantrum he threw in the office kitchen wasn’t so fun, but its all give and take, right?
The next few days will be both fun and relaxing. We’ll spend Thanksgiving day at my mom’s house with my brother and sister and their families. Then we’ll have Friday to just hang out and do nothing. Saturday is my nephew’s birthday party and then Sunday we’ll go to church and have a Thanksgiving meal with my dad and his wife. There will be lots of family, lots of food, and most importantly, lots of down time.
Why is it that not two minutes after Hubby walks out the door (while I’m holding a soaking wet baby wrapped in a towel) the dog decides to shit on the floor? And, why is it that as soon as I turn around to clean that up Zach decides to pee on the floor? They’re both working against me.

Hope you have a great Thanksgiving Weekend. I am so glad that our’s in in October.
Sorry about the messy floor. Isn’t that the way it works.