Wow. We finally got back home on Wednesday and have been trying to recover from the trip since then. I’ve been waiting to get some relaxation time in, but so far have been super busy.
We had a really great time in Arizona. We spent most of the time with Hubby’s family and didn’t really get a chance to do much tourist kinda stuff. We did go to the Grand Canyon on Tuesday which was pretty amazing to see. I really wish I would have had a better camera to take pictures with there because my little Kodak didn’t even come close to capturing the beauty of it.
The wedding and all of the festivities surrounding it were a lot of fun. My sister-in-law’s family is Mexican and it was really interesting to spend some time with them and learn about their traditions. We also got to taste some very authentic Mexican food, some of which I liked, some of which I did not.
Yesterday, Hubby got up with Zach and I actually slept in until Noon. That was so awesome. I can’t remember the last time I did that. And today it is 10:00 and Zach is still sleeping. That has NEVER happened before. I thought about waking him up, but I’m enjoying it too much.
I’ve got major cleaning to do today before picking my friend Amy up from the airport. Tomorrow is my 10-year class reunion. Sunday is Zach’s birthday party. Then Monday I’m back to work. I think I might cry a little bit when I have to go back. It has been so wonderful being on vacation!

Did you see those fires over by Sedona?