This was a wonderful weekend, but I’m not sure that you’re supposed to be more tired on Monday morning than you are when the weekend starts.
We started off the weekend at our friends’ house. The boys went downstairs to jam out while my best friend and I chatted and played with Zach upstairs. When they were done making noise, I put Zach to sleep and we all played some cards and hung out.
Saturday morning I had to get up and make a mad dash for the grocery store as we were out of milk and the little man isn’t too happy without it. When I got back I showered and then packed bags to go to my sister’s. We dropped Zach off at my sister’s with my mom who got the pleasure of watching all three boys for the evening. We ended up being a few minutes late (as usual) so we rushed out the door and headed to my friends’ wedding.
The wedding ceremony was beautiful, but as is usually the case, the reception was the fun part. Hubby and I had a great time getting our drink on and dancing with my sister, her husband, and all of our friends. We were warned ahead of time that there was a sobriety checkpoint down the road a couple of miles. Fortunately we had a DD anyway so it wasn’t a big deal but the cop gave him a hard time for having his renewal sticker in the wrong spot on the license plates. After we got through the sobriety check, there was a very interesting game of truth or dare in the “party van” as it was called all night, then a stop at Taco Bell for munchies, and a couple of stops to drop people off before we finally got back to my sister’s house.
Once we finally got there, we were all ready to crash. We slept in as late as the babies would allow, which actually wasn’t very late at all. Then we spent the day lounging around watching movies, playing on our laptops, and eating. It was fun, but we didn’t leave my sister’s until 10:00 lastnight and today I’m just exhausted. Hopefully I’ll be able to catch back up on my sleep over the next couple of days.
That is a really great picture of you and hubby.
I hate it when cops are jerks for the stupidest reasons.