For the first time in many years I am excited for the holidays. There are three things I think that have attributed to this change in mood for me. 1) I have a beautiful baby boy to celebrate with. 2) My family has grown much closer over the last few years and I actually enjoy spending time with them. 3) I get to EAT and the diet is thrown out the window for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.
I am getting really anxious for Christmas. I already have all of Zach’s presents bought. For the first time in at least 5 years I’m going to have a Christmas tree and decorations up in my house. I spent an hour this morning buying Christmas music cd’s on the internet and I can’t wait to start listening to them.
But, it isn’t Christmas yet, so I’ll focus on Thanksgiving for a minute. This year I am very thankful for all that God has given to me. Above all else, I’m so very thankful for my baby boy Zachary. He has brought so much joy and love into my life. There are times when I feel like my whole body could just burst from all the love I feel inside when I look into his eyes. I am so thankful that I was blessed with a child this year. There is just nothing in the world like it.
To everyone out there who might read this, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy the time with your family and friends and take a little time out to reflect on the things in life that matter most.
Happy Thanksgiving!

I am totally with you on the christmas feelings. Holidays became fun and exciting again once i had children because i get so see everything through thier eyes and create their memories. Children are amazing aren’t they?? You wonder how you ever truly lived without them.
have a nice holiday!
texas hold’em Nice 🙂 Agree 🙂