I always tend to find myself slightly depressed after a long holiday break. I enjoy my time off so much that coming back to this place just puts me in a very foul mood. Dropping Zach off at day care this morning was very hard. I would have given just about anything to have been able to stay home with him just one more day. But, regardless of my feelings today, I’m so thankful that I had a wonderful break from work and got to spend a lot of time with family and friends over the last four days.
We started off the holiday by going to see the new Harry Potter movie Wednesday night. It was a pretty good movie, but in all honesty, it just wasn’t as good as the previous ones. I was a little disappointed with it and I’m hoping that the next one is better. Zach was a little angel that night and slept through the entire movie.
Thursday morning we got up and headed over to my brother’s house. His wife and MIL were already in the kitchen working on dinner. Shortly after we arrived my sister and her family and my mom got there. We pretty much all took turns in the kitchen preparing our part of the meal while the boys went outside for some football, played video games, and then watched football on tv. The babies took turns playing and napping. When everything was ready, we had a very nice dinner together, watched a movie, and then said good-night. All in all, it was a pretty good day.
Friday was my favorite day of the enitre break. Hubby had to work for a bit Friday morning, but Zach and I snuggled up in the bed and slept in until 9:30!!!! I’m pretty sure that’s a record. I don’t remember the last time I got to sleep that long. When we finally crawled out of bed, we stayed in our jammies and played together for a while. Zach decided he needed a nap, so while he was sleeping I started working on cleaning up the house a bit. When hubby got home he helped me move some furniture around and I worked on re-arranging Zach’s room. We caught up on a couple of TV shows that we missed the week before and put together the Christmas tree (although it has yet to be decorated). I finally decided to shower and get dressed and then we went over to hang out with some friends for the rest of the night.
Saturday we celebrated my nephew’s 6th Birthday. He had a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/swimming pool party at the Y which was a lot of fun. I didn’t swim because I didn’t have a swimsuit that would fit me, but hubby took Zach in the water for a while. Since I wasn’t swimming I got to take lots of cute pictures though. The kids all had a really great time. After the party we went over to my sister’s house for a while, helped the nephew go through all his loot, and watched Madagascar. We stopped by our friends’ house on the way home to drop their daughter off and ended up staying for a short visit before heading home.
Sunday morning we got up and headed to church. After church we went to my dad’s house for our Thanksgiving dinner with him and his wife. My sister and her clan arrived shortly after us and my sister and I headed out for a little bit of shopping without any kids. I had to buy Zach a new carseat (because he’s already outgrown his infant seat!) and she had some Christmas shopping to do. When we got back, we helped prepare dinner. My brother and his wife arrived an hour or so later and we all feasted on turkey and dressing (which oddly was much better than Thursday’s dinner) and all the fixins. Afterwards we played a quick game of team Scrabble before everyone headed back home.
It really was a wonderful weekend. I really enjoyed the time with my family. Zach is finally getting old enough that he can play with his cousins a little bit and it is so much fun to watch him squeal and laugh with them. It is hard to believe that he is already 5 months old. I think if I could only have had one more day off to recover from all of the festivities this would have been a perfect weekend.
it sounds like a lovely weekend!
hey hey, sounds like Zach’s first Thanksgiving holiday went really well. glad you had a great time 🙂
I was really disappointed in Harry too.
It does sound like a great weekend with friends and family. I cannot believe how time flies and how big Zach is getting. I’m so happy for you!
I wish i could have given you one more day off with Zach… but one more would never be enough :0)
Glad you had such a great weekend!
onine texas holdem Hello 🙂