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The End of Summer

I had to actually scroll back a couple pages to see when the last time I actually wrote something was – two months ago. I honestly have no idea how time moves so fast. I used to sit around wishing for the weekends to come and the weekdays would seem so long. Now I wish even the weekdays would slow down.

So, summer ended and the school year began. Zach is in 2nd grade this year and so far things are going really well. He has a male teacher, which I was a little worried about because he seems to have issues with male authority figures. He also happens to have a young female student teacher who will be with his class the entire year, so I think that is adding a buffer that has been very good for him. I haven’t heard any complaints so far, other than the basic “I don’t want to go to school because I want to stay home and watch TV” type of complaints.

1st day of 2nd grade! #daily

Evie started preschool this year. She was very much ready for this change, even though I worried unnecessarily about the transition. She was slightly hesitant the first day when I dropped her off, but on the second day she ran off to play without even telling my good-bye. She is really enjoying it so far, although she did tell me that I take too long to come back.


Summer went by so fast that we didn’t get to do a lot of the fun things we had planned, but we did squeeze in a little more fun. We finally made it to the Missouri State Fair this year and the kids had a blast! They loved riding all of the rides and were so sad when it was time to leave.

Untitled Untitled

We also made our yearly trip to the lake over Labor Day weekend. It was Caleb’s first trip to the lake with us and while he wasn’t a fan of his life jacket, he did seem to enjoy the boat rides and swimming in the lake. It rained the first day we were there, leaving the water quite chilly, but he didn’t seem to mind. He was having way too much fun splashing to care!

First ride on Grandpa's boat! Me and my girl

Caleb is growing and changing so fast. I’ll save the details for another post (coming soon! I promise!), but he has basically gone from sweet little baby who eats and sleeps to semi-mobile baby who wants to play, play, play! He does not want to sit still for any reason.

7 months! #daily

Life is moving to fast for me to sit back and reflect much these days. I’ve had some fantastic photo shoots with some beautiful families. I love photography more and more every day. Sadly, my own photos are sitting on my computer waiting to receive some love because I haven’t had the time to sort them the last couple months. I’m weeks behind on laundry and housework, but I’m spending every spare moment I have snuggling on my last baby before I blink my eyes and he is grown.

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Published inKids & ParentingLiving the Life