I don’t really want to downplay the ice storm that landed in Kansas City because it was much worse in other areas and we may still be getting more. However, the weather forecasters had everyone a little freaked out for no reason in this area. Sure we have ice, but the streets are fairly clear and definitely drivable.
Schools, churches, and businesses all over the metro area announced that they were closing last night before the worst of the ice even hit. Boss man instructed my mom and I to take some work home “just in case” we couldn’t get in today. Zach’s day care closed. Hubby’s boss told him to stay home. There were still quite a few accidents on the roads this morning so I elected to stay home and do my work here even though I probably could have gone in.
The nice part of all of this is that Zach has been really good today. Hubby kept him entertained this morning while I got some work done. Then I took a break so we could have lunch and Zach is now napping. I still have quite a bit of work to do, but considering I seem to be working much faster than I do in the office I figured a quick blogging break couldn’t hurt.
The only bad part about being home today is that I keep thinking about all of the things I could be doing if I didn’t have all this work to do. I’ve got Christmas cards to address and mail, two gifts to finish making, two more gifts to start making, lots of gift wrapping to do, a ton of laundry to be washed, and a house that is in desperate need of a good cleaning.
But, I guess the work won’t do itself so I better get back to it. Only a few more hours to go before I can stop working, have a big bowl of chili, and relax for the evening.