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Not so bad…

So the in-laws aren’t so bad. I have really missed getting to hold Zach while they are here, but I was actually able to get a lot of stuff done because they were holding him so much. He got really fussy lastnight so I stole him back and got some good mommy snuggling time in.

We finally got some really good professional portraits done of Zach on Saturday. I really liked the way they came out. We had them done at Portrait Innovations. Everything is digital. They print your pictures out there and you get to take them home in about 20 minutes. I’m definitely going back there again. I was very impressed.

Otherwise, we had a pretty uneventful weekend. I finally got a little bit of sleep which was very nice.

Two more days of the in-laws visiting and then life can return to normal again.

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Published inLiving the Life


  1. Oh, how cute the three of you are!!

  2. Oh!! You all look so great! My partner’s sister just did this with her kids – the professional pix. They are precious. They just had their third back in March.

  3. I love the picture. I want to give all of you a big hug, lol. 🙂

  4. wow what a lovely picture! 🙂 and zach is really NOT shy on cam! 🙂

  5. OMG is that ever an awesome picture!! The artist in me loves the fact that you two wore different colored shirts and Zach’s shirt has both colors in it. Absolutely wonderful. I’d give my Eye teeth to have a digital portrait place here.
    Perhaps I should start one….

  6. texas hold’em Hammm… Nice article… Interesting.

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