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My Precious…

This baby is FINALLY mine!  I’ve been wanting one for a while and my phone has been really crappy lately.  So, hubby decided that for my Christmas present (which we were not supposed to buy this year) he wanted to get this for me.  It should arrive Friday and I’m really hoping that it will get here before we leave for Louisiana or I will be one very sad girl.


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Published inLiving the Life



    Congrats to you for finding such a very cool husband willing to feed the Gadget Geek inside you. I still feel very fortunate indeed to have found such a husband myself! 🙂

  2. Wow! That is pretty slick! Hope it gets good reception.

  3. Wow, that phone looks sweet! I’ve got a samsung… nothing fancy but i like it!

  4. Oh my gosh!!! You got a Razr? I’m getting one for Christmas… I’ve only had one phone before this and it’s an old Nokia that doesn’t have any interesting features… I’m so excited to get my Razr! Did you get the V3c or just the V3?

    So lucky you get yours Friday, I have to wait until Christmas!!

  5. Lauren,
    I got the Razr V3. I didn’t even know the V3c was out. Which one are you getting?

  6. I *think* I’m getting the V3c… not so sure though. We’ll see come Christmas! (I’m so pathetic… geeked like this about a phone!)

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