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Hard Work Does Indeed Pay Off

30 Days of ThanksI didn’t get a chance to post what I was thankful for earlier today, but I’m glad I didn’t because now I have something that I’m even more thankful for.  At the beginning of October, Zach’s preschool had a fund raiser where they were selling t-shirts, beach towels and some other odds and ends.  I didn’t really want to participate, but I asked a few family members and friends if they were interested and managed to put together a pretty good order for the school.  Today when I picked Zach up, the school director stopped me and told me to make sure and get a copy of the newsletter because Zachary won the contest for turning in the largest order.  Not only does he get a few little prizes for the amount of items he sold, but he also gets a free week of tuition next week.  It didn’t actually take much effort, but I will most definitely enjoy the payoff!  So, today I’m thankful that Zach gets a free week at school next week.  I think I’ll try to put the extra money back to spend on Christmas gifts.

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Published inLiving the Life