Yesterday I took a personal day off of work. The kids’ sitter took a vacation day so instead of stressing out trying to find someone to take her place, I just decided to ask for the day off and spend it with the kids. I wanted to do something fun, just me and them.
We slept in, had a nice slow morning, then headed off to Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead a little after 10:00. I went back and forth trying to decide what to do but finally decided on that because, well, it’s free. I figured Evie would love the animals (she’s really into our dogs and cats right now) and Zach would love the playground. I was a little nervous because I only took the single stroller, but Zach said he wanted to walk.
We had a great time walking around checking out all the animals. Zach was a little bummed that I didn’t have change to buy food to feed the goats (though we remedied that later), but instantly cheered up when he remembered the barn with the slides. I loved being able to let him play and not having to rush. While he went down the slides over and over again, Evie wandered around checking out the geese, ducks, and rabbits. She’s really starting to love being outside and it was fun watching her explore.
After that, we walked a bit more and decided to stop for some lunch. The kids played at a toddler sized playground for a bit, then we did some more walking, checked out even more animals, until finally we stopped at the BIG playground and let the kids play until they were completely worn out and it was looking like we were going to get rained on.
Just before we left, Zach yelled out, “This is the BEST. DAY. EVER!!!” I couldn’t have agreed with him more. The weather was perfect. The kids were extremely well behaved. We all had a really great time together. It was relaxing and exhausting all at the same time. It was perfect.
And, to top it all off, we stopped at Target on the way home for a few things and just happened to find a toy that Zach had been promised over a month ago (that we hadn’t been able to find in stock anywhere). He was over the moon excited.
I just wish we could have days like that every day.

I must have missed it somewhere, but I didn’t realize Zach had glasses. He looks great in them!
I’m glad you had a good day with the kids. You (and they) deserved it.
I haven’t posted about it yet, but he just got the glasses. Guess I should get on that, huh?
I LOVE those days. I’m taking one of those days on Friday for the very same reason!
My son screamed “This is the BEST. DAY.EVER!” on last Saturday as he peddled his bike like a maniac, in the rain, to go to his brother’s soccer game 😉 I about cried!
Love the blog…stopped by from blogher 😉
Awwww.. you and your kids deserve more days like that 🙂