Despite the downpour that canceled out the 4th of July fireworks and the red crayon that I found melted in my dryer, this was one of the best weekends I’ve had in a long time. At the top of the list is the fact that I got to sleep in past 10:00 a.m. three days in a row. I honestly can’t remember the last time that has happened. I’m sure I’ll still be just as tired when I have to wake up early tomorrow morning, but it was a pretty amazing feeling while it lasted.
Saturday morning hubby and I got up and started in on the kids’ room. We have been wanting to pull up the carpet in there for while and figured the 3-day weekend was a good time to do it. We started in knowing that there were wood floors underneath, but not having any idea what kind of shape they were in. As it turned out, they weren’t great but weren’t completely horrible either. We did have to scrub the entire floor on our hands and knees to remove some black gunk, but once we got it up, the floor looked pretty good.
We rearranged the furniture a bit, re-bunked the bunk beds, and put down a small area rug to cover a couple bad spots in the floor. I still need to work on the arrangement of the wall decorations, but their room looks much better than it did. The kids are loving it so far. They’ve been playing in there instead of their playroom which is very unusual.
After we finished the floor, we cleaned ourselves up, dropped the kids off at Grandma’s, and headed out on the town for a well-deserved date night. Since we never really got to celebrate our anniversary last month, we went out for a nice dinner at Jess & Jim’s Steakhouse, then I made hubby take me to see Eclipse. We don’t get out by ourselves often enough and it was really nice to have quiet (kid-free) evening together.
Sunday we headed over to my mom’s to have dinner with the family and then planned on going to see fireworks at Corporate Woods. We got there and set up our chairs just in time for it to start sprinkling. It seemed like the rain wouldn’t be too bad, so we decided to wait it out in hopes that the firework show would still go on. My kids were so excited for fireworks that I really hated to disappoint them. We stuck it out much longer than most folks, but when it started pouring and I discovered that the water was soaking through my camera bag, we decided it was time to go.
By the time we got back to the cars, we were all absolutely soaked. Fortunately, we had a basket of clean, dry clothes at my mom’s house due the the crayon in the dryer incident I mentioned earlier so we scrounged and managed to find something for all of us to wear. Once everyone was dry, we got the kids all settled down and my sister, my mom, and I headed to the theater to watch Eclipse again (Yes, it was that good!).
Since the kids were sleeping by the time we got back from the movie, we left them to sleep at Grandma’s again and hubby and enjoyed sleeping in again on Monday morning.
We picked the kids up Monday afternoon, took my mom to pick her car up from the shop, stopped for some ice cream, then came home and started mourning the end of a really excellent weekend. It’s going to be really hard to jump back into our normal routine in the morning.