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4 Months

Dear Evie,

You turned 4 months old a week ago. Why am I just now writing this letter to you? Well, quite frankly I’ve been entirely too busy to sit down and get my thoughts together. Your 4-month birthday fell on Friday and then we spent all weekend in Omaha so we could take you, your brother, and your cousins to the Omaha zoo. Yes, we do have a local zoo here in KC, but the one in Omaha is so much better. We got to explore an indoor Rain Forest, a Desert, and of course the aquarium, which seemed to be your favorite. You loved watching the fish swim around.  The only things you didn’t seem to care for were the heat and the fact that I couldn’t feed you at the exact second you decided you were hungry.

Seriously?  I have to stay in this thing all day?

This last month with you has been so much fun. You are really noticing things around you now (like the fish!). You watch with great interest when your brother is nearby as he’s always doing something silly. You also love to grab at your toys and (more often than not) shove them into your mouth. Every time I lay you down in your crib you reach toward your little pink teddy bear that Zachary brought you at the hospital. You can’t always pick it up by yourself, but you try so hard.

You are getting the movement thing down pretty well actually. You’re arms aren’t so shaky when you reach for things now and on July 1st you rolled over for the first time. You rolled from your back to your tummy and Mommy, Daddy, and Zachary all got to see you do it. It took a week or so for you to get really good at it, but now I can’t lay you down anywhere without you trying to roll away. It makes me so nervous when I leave you in my bed in the mornings, but I don’t want to move you or I’m afraid you’ll wake up.


Speaking of sleeping, you have learned to put yourself to sleep. It is this amazing thing that I didn’t even realize was possible until you just did it one night. I needed a few minutes to help your brother get settled in bed so I put you down in the pack ‘n’ play. When I came back, you were sound asleep without so much as a peep. I thought maybe it was a fluke so I tried it the next night and you went right to sleep again. You also seem to have put yourself on a sleep schedule which is amazing as well. You are ready for bed every night around 8:00 to 8:30 and if I just lay you down you go right to sleep. You still wake up quite often during the night to eat, but not having to fight (or listen to a screaming baby) at bedtime makes it all worth it.  The next step will be getting you to sleep through the night in your own bed.  I have to admit I’m not in a huge hurry for that though because I’ll miss snuggling with you all night.  You’ve recently gotten in the habit of holding my hand and most nights you sleep tucked inside my arm with our hands intertwined.

My absolute favorite time of day with you is when you first wake up in the morning.  You are so happy.  You often do your happy growl and babble on and on like you are telling me a story.  It makes it so hard for me to get out of bed because I would rather just stay there and have conversations with you all day.  I expect that those morning sessions will be some of my favorite memories of you as a baby.

What am I supposed to do with this?

A couple of weeks ago I noticed that you were staring me down at dinner time.  You would follow every bite I took with your eyes.  You watched as I moved my fork from my plate to my mouth.  I figured if you were that interested in what I was eating, maybe you were ready to start eating some food of your own.  A few days later I gave you your first taste of rice cereal.  I mixed it with formula the first time since I didn’t have any extra breast milk pumped but you ate the entire bowl.  The next night you refused it.  Then I tried mixing it with a little apple juice and water and you’ve been a happy girl ever since.  You love your cereal now and when it’s time to eat you have your mouth open and waiting for each spoon full.

Besides all of the other firsts you’ve experienced this past month, you also received your first real injury.  While attempting to play with you at day care, your brother accidentally let go of a toy and it ended up hitting you right smack on the eye.  You had a pretty nice bruise on your eyelid for about a week but it’s all better now.  I’m sure it is the first of many bumps and bruises you will receive from him during your life.

My Beautiful Girl-2

Evie, you are growing so fast.  It seems like you get bigger and bigger every day.  Tomorrow you go to the doctor for a check-up and you’ll get weighed and measured.  I’m anxious to see just how much you have gained in both height and weight.  The last time I weighed you at home you were just over sixteen pounds and I’m sure you’ve gained more since then.  I love watching you grow, but there’s a little part of me that wishes I could just keep you tiny forever.

Love always,

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Published inEvieLetters to Evie


  1. wow! time flies! can’t believe she’s already 4 months old. she’s beautiful, and i can’t blame you for being as in love with her as you obviously are. 🙂

  2. Abby Abby

    She is gorgeous!!!

  3. She’s beautiful

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