I have a little secret. I didn’t want to share it because I’m actually a little embarrassed by it. I’m not embarrassed that I’m doing it, just embarrassed because I’ve already failed so many times. I keep trying and failing and that is not something that I like to admit. But, because I want to log it here for future reference, and because I maybe need a little encouragement I’m going to spill it.
On Monday I started Weight Watchers again. So today is only the fifth day but so far I have done really well. I’ve done better this week than all of my previous attempts (except for the first go-round when I lost 35 pounds). I splurged once on Tuesday because it was a co-worker’s birthday and I had to help her celebrate by indulging in a piece of chocolate fudge cake.
The weekends are always the hardest for me because it is much more tempting to eat out than to cook a healthy meal at home. This weekend will be particularly hard because of that big event known as the Super Bowl. We’re having a few people over to watch the game and snacks are pretty much a mandatory thing. We’re keeping it fairly healthy (and simple) by having cold cut sandwiches and a veggie tray with low fat ranch dip. However, I am also making one of my favorite party dishes, Chicken Lip Dip. It may sound gross but it is actually delicious. A friend of mine brought this to Hubby’s birthday party back in September and it has been one of my favorites ever since. And, since I’m feeling generous, I thought I would share the recipe with you.
You can serve this with tortilla chips or, my personal favorite, slices of pita bread.
*You can substitute low fat versions of all of these and it still tastes great!

yay you! can i be your personal cheerleader? i’d be really good at it! go you! you’re awesome! you can do it! hooray! 🙂
Congratulations for the great week on Weight Watchers! I echo Lara’s sentiment and want to let you know that I’ll be your cheerleader during the great weeks and the weeks where you want to go and hide.
As for the Chicken Lip Dip…I’m scared of the Franks Hot Sauce. Very…very scared.
Usually, I roll my eyes when people talk about “weighty” issues, but WW is a different story. I’ve seen so many people have success with it AND keep the weight off even after quitting the program. It seems to be one of the few programs out there that actually teaches realistic eating habits. So, you can have that chocolate once in awhile. 🙂
You’re a better woman than me. I decided a long time ago that I’d rather be 20 pounds overweight than to ever join WW again.
PS – Thanks for your comment on delurking day. Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you!