This looked like a fun meme so I lifted it from Lara. Describe the following with only one word.
Yourself: Me
Your Partner: Hubby
Your Hair: Brown
Your Mother: Chatty
Your Father: Preacher
Your Favorite Item: Laptop
Your Dream Last Night: Weird
Your Favorite Drink: Coke
Your Dream Car: Mustang
Your Dream Home: Self-cleaning
The Room You Are In: Office
Your Ex: Intelligent
Your Biggest Fear: Death
Where You Want to Be in Ten Years: Happy
Who You Hung Out With Last Night: Family
What You’re Not: Skinny
Muffins: Please
One of Your Wish List Items: Ipod
Time: 11:32 a.m.
The Last Thing You Did: Installation
What You Are Wearing: Clothes
Your Favorite Weather: Sunny
Your Favorite Book: Comforting
Last Thing You Ate: Cake
Your Life: Chaotic
Your Mood: Blah
What Are You Thinking About Right Now: Noise
Your Best Friend: Trustworthy
Your Car: Blue
What You Are Doing at the Moment: Blogging
Your Summer: Busy
Relationship Status: Married
What is on Your TV: Nothing
What the Weather is Like: COLD
When You Last Laughed: Morning
So this was much harder than it looked. Most of these really needed at least two words. I’m not going to do any tagging, but if you decide to play along leave a comment and let me know so I can come check yours out!

i know – such a tough one to do! i kept wanting to give my first instinct, and then i’d always realize it was more than one word. blast! but i’m glad you stole and had fun with it. 🙂