Since I seem to be having a slow blogging week, I decided it is time for a meme. I got tagged a few days ago for the “7 Random Facts” meme by Vera. She’s been following my blogs since I first started blogging years ago so I didn’t think it was fair to deny her some random facts. Now, I just have to think up seven random things about me. Here are the rules:
1) Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2) Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3) Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4) Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
I’ll tell you right now that I don’t plan on tagging anyone. This one has been around and around and I’m probably one of the few bloggers left out there that hasn’t done it before so I’ll just let you decide if you want to participate. If you do, leave me a comment so I can come check it out.
Ok, here are my 7 random facts about me:
- I’m a preacher’s kid but never really fit the rebellious stereotype that most P.K.’s have. I certainly wasn’t a perfect kid, but I just wasn’t a bad kid. I got good grades and did what I was supposed to do most of the time. I just wish my best friend’s step-dad would have realized that instead of trying to keep her from hanging out with me based on my P.K. status.
- I’ve only had three serious boyfriends in my life. Out of the three, I married two of them and still have occasional contact with the third.
- I have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a minor in Family Life and Resource Management. I spent my college years studying child development, child psychology, and how to function as a family. Yet, I still doubt my abilities to parent and manage my own family on a daily basis.
- If I could choose any profession (besides being a SAHM) and be really, really, good at what I chose, I would be designing web sites.
- I have three guitars that I can’t play and I can’t bring myself to get rid of them.
- When I see a really beautiful photo I sometimes get teary-eyed. I really want to take a photography class so I can take beautiful photos that induce tears.
- I’m addicted to McDonald’s new Southern Style chicken sandwich and I can’t seem to get enough of them. I could eat them for every meal and a snack in between right now!
Well, I guess that wasn’t so hard. Feel free to join in, but make sure and let me know so I can read your 7 random things!

I’m going to need to try one of those sandwiches at McDonalds. Sounds awesome!
You have 3 guitars lying around?!? You want to give me one? lol. I really want to learn how to play, but can’t afford the guitar at the moment.
Damn McDonalds, I’m addicted to their new Angus beef sandwich- after eating one, I can’t bring myself to eat anything else on their menu! When I was standing in line the last time I was there I noticed I definitely wasn’t the only one with the addiction :0)
@wiccachicky – If you lived a little closer I’d be willing to loan one out for a while! I really need to just suck it up and sell them though. I’ll keep one, but really don’t need three!
@jenny bean – I didn’t even know there was a new Angus beef sandwich! Maybe they aren’t here yet? Or I’ve just been too concerned with the southern style chicken sandwich to notice anything else!
I enjoyed reading your story. Please join our minister’s kid community at!
Thanks for playing along Dee 🙂
You do take beautiful photos, you’ve got lovely subjects!