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Month: November 2007

It's A……

GIRL!!!!!! The majority of you who voted yesterday were wrong and my intuition was right. I couldn’t be more happy! She wasn’t real anxious to let us check out the goods, but we finally got a pretty good look after we pushed her around a bit.

Here are a few of the sonogram shots:



girl parts

If you are interested, the rest of the images can be seen here.

30 Days of Thanks Ssshhhh! Don’t tell, but I’m sneaking my “30 days of thanks” in on yesterday’s post because I didn’t get a chance to write it.  Wednesday was just a very crazy day and after the sonogram I was so ecstatic that I couldn’t settle down until well after lunch.  Then I realized I had to get some work done!  So, what was I thankful for yesterday?  The technology that allowed me to see my baby girl growing inside my belly.  It is amazing to me that a tech can move this little wand over my belly and I get to see my beautiful baby moving around inside, and see that she is perfectly healthy in every way.  I’m getting so anxious for March now!

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Hard Work Does Indeed Pay Off

30 Days of ThanksI didn’t get a chance to post what I was thankful for earlier today, but I’m glad I didn’t because now I have something that I’m even more thankful for.  At the beginning of October, Zach’s preschool had a fund raiser where they were selling t-shirts, beach towels and some other odds and ends.  I didn’t really want to participate, but I asked a few family members and friends if they were interested and managed to put together a pretty good order for the school.  Today when I picked Zach up, the school director stopped me and told me to make sure and get a copy of the newsletter because Zachary won the contest for turning in the largest order.  Not only does he get a few little prizes for the amount of items he sold, but he also gets a free week of tuition next week.  It didn’t actually take much effort, but I will most definitely enjoy the payoff!  So, today I’m thankful that Zach gets a free week at school next week.  I think I’ll try to put the extra money back to spend on Christmas gifts.

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Boy or Girl?

Tomorrow is the big day! It is time for the ultrasound and I can’t wait to find out if we’re having a girl or a boy this time. Zach is getting more and more interested in the baby so I’m going to let him go along to see the baby on the ultrasound machine. Hopefully he’ll understand that the blog he’s seeing really is his little brother or sister.

So, do you guys want to have a little fun? Take a guess in the poll below and tell me if you think it’s a boy or girl.

I’ll post as soon as I can tomorrow and share the news!

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They Know Something's Up

Puppy Love

One of the things that surprises me about pregnancy is how my animals react. Probably before I even realized it myself, they seemed to know I was pregnant. In our house, the animals outnumber the humans (for now anyway). We have two dogs and two cats, all of which I love dearly (although I hate the way they make my house smell). They all have very different personalities, which can be quite entertaining some days.

The thing that gets me the most though, is that when I am pregnant, they all want to be near me. It is almost as if they are trying to protect me and the baby growing in my stomach. Every time I sit down, I can guarantee that within minutes I’ll have at least one or more of the animals trying to sit on my lap. There have been times lately when I’ve had all four of them surrounding me, including the cat who rarely shows her face unless there is food around. Sometimes it gets a little annoying, but most of the time I don’t mind. I suppose they are just trying to be good caretakers.

30 Days of ThanksToday I am thankful for those little moments in life that make all the bad moments worth living through.  Sunday morning Zach was in bed with Hubby and I.  He was just beginning to stir and was snuggled up next to me.  He looked up with his sleepy eyes and said, “Mommy, I want to feel tummy, baby in tummy.”  I helped him place his hand on my tummy in just the right spot and watched the smile spread over his face.  That moment has stayed with me for two days now and every time I think of it I can’t help but smile.

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Potty Training Weekend

Here we are on day 4 of NaBloPoMo and I’m already finding myself not feeling like writing. I think it is a lot harder on the weekends because I would much rather just be sitting on the couch staring at the TV. But, I signed up so I can’t give up already.

I’ve spent the majority of my weekend taking a toddler to the potty every 30 minutes. I’m determined to get back on track with this potty-training thing and so far it is going pretty well. I bought a new digital kitchen timer and every time it beeps Zach yells out, “pee pee” and takes off for the bathroom. We’ve got a sticker chart and he gets a big prize when he fills up all the squares.

So far, it seems to be working pretty well. We’ve only had two accidents in two days so far and one of those actually happened in the bathroom. He has yet to tell me when he needs to go, but since I’m taking him every 30 minutes anyway I doubt he has felt much urgency.

My only problem is, he’s earned two prizes already because he’s doing so well. It’s time to make a new chart now, but I think I’m going to have make the next chart with a few more boxes on it. Plus, the prizes are not going to be quite as exciting because I can’t afford to keep up at the rate he’s going now.

He’s definitely gotten a good start (again), but I wonder how he’ll do during the day at school this week. Will he revert back to just going in his pull-ups or will he actually remember and try to wait until he gets to go the the bathroom? I’m guessing most of the work we did this weekend will be forgotten. It is so hard when I only really have the weekend to work with him. I know his teacher at school will work with him, but she can’t really be expected to stop the other 7 kids in his class every 30 minutes to take Zach to the bathroom.

I guess we’ll see how it goes this week and do another crash course next weekend.

30 Days of ThanksToday I’m thankful because Zach actually slept last night (after an hour long tantrum) and I got an entire 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep for the first time in two weeks. Not only did he sleep during the night, but he also took a nap (which I joined him for) and both of us have been in excellent moods today. It may not seem like much to be grateful for, but I can’t even tell you how much it means for my sanity.

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The Bag Lady

Multimedia messageI meant to write about this earlier this week, but somehow let it escape my mind. A very, very long time ago I followed a link somewhere that led to another link somewhere that led to another link and eventually I found a pattern for this super cute little tote bag. I would link to it but I have no idea where it originally came from now. At the time, I had just gotten a new sewing machine and was really wanting to learn to sew so I copied the pattern and had grand plans of giving the tote bag a shot.

As usually happens with my big plans, I never got around to starting it. You see, it required me going to a fabric store and actually purchasing the fabric and supplies needed to make the bag and I never managed to find my way there until last week. I decided Thursday during my lunch break to check out one of the local fabric stores. I was on a search for some cute Halloween fabric so that I could make Zach a Trick or Treat bag that he wouldn’t drag on the ground. I was apparently a little too late to find Halloween fabric, but along the way I fell in love with some coordinating flannels and decided they would make the perfect little tote bag.

I couldn’t wait to get started on my project and started cutting the fabric that night. By the time I got all the pieces cut and the interfacing ironed on I had to quit and go to bed. I couldn’t wait to get home and start sewing on Friday. I didn’t actually get started until about 9:30 that night, but after many toddler interruptions and a couple of sewing machine difficulties, I finally finished it. My seams are far from perfect and I could have possibly measured a little more carefully, but I absolutely love my little bag. Plus, I’m very impressed that I made the whole thing from start to finish. It is my first “real” sewing project and it actually turned out okay!

I also bought enough material that I can make a second one (because I figured I would manage to screw up the first somehow) so I’m thinking of trying again and possibly doing some experimenting with the size. We’ll see how it goes!

30 Days of ThanksToday I am thankful for lazy Saturday mornings.  There is nothing I love more than getting out of bed and snuggling up with my boy on the couch watching cartoons.  It is really the only time all week that we get to just relax and be together.  We spend so much time doing this and doing that, rushing through dinner and bathtime and bedtime routines during the week.  It is really nice to just relax and enjoy being together for a couple of short hours on Saturday mornings.  It is the perfect way to start the weekend.

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