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Month: November 2006

November 2005-Sleeping with Daddy

November 2005-Sleeping with Daddy

Originally uploaded by deew27.

Hubby asked me the other day if he could take my camera with him when he goes out of town this weekend. In preparation, I was cleaning the photos off of the camera and I decided to pull out my old camera so I would have a backup while he is gone. When I got it out, I found this picture, taken November 6, 2005. It is amazing what can change in a year. I remember taking the picture and thinking how sweet it was to see the two of them sleeping together like that.


Rock the Vote

I’ve never been a very political person.  I don’t get into the arguing and slamming the other parties that many seem to enjoy so much.  When election time comes up I tend to just go with my gut feeling.  I hate to admit that I don’t research the parties or those running for office and I usually don’t even recognize some of the names on the ballot.  I don’t really call myself a Democrat or a Republican.  I tend to lean more on the Democratic side, mostly because my parents always did when I was growing up so I identify more with the Democratic ideologies.  My husband is very strongly Republican, so we don’t discuss politics much around our house.

I voted for only the second time in my life this morning.  I’ve legally been able to vote for 10 years now but I have not exercised that right.  I’m not sure why really.  I just wasn’t ever that interested.  My husband convinced me to vote for the last presidential election.  I didn’t feel like it really did any good because, well, look who’s in office.  My voice certainly wasn’t heard on that one.  I laugh at those people that say every vote counts.  Ha!  I have my own opinions about our system for electing the president and how the votes are actually tallied.

Putting all of that aside, I did vote this morning.  In Missouri, there were issues on the ballot that I felt it was necessary to vote for.  The biggest and most controversial issue (in my opinion) was for regulating stem cell research.  There was also a vote on raising the minimum wage and an additional tax on tobacco.  These are the issues that brought me out to the polls.  There were a couple of elected officials that I felt strongly about, but I mainly wanted to get my vote in on the three issues I mentioned.  I am proud of myself for getting out there and contributing my opinion.  Of course I’ll be disappointed if the vote goes the other way, but at least I tried.

If you haven’t voted, get out there and do it.  It made me feel good.  Hopefully it will do the same for you.

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Can I Just Go Back To Bed?

I got sent home from work today.  It’s a shame really because I was feeling rather productive which is unusual for me.  Apparently there was some kind of electrical problem in the building.  About half of our electrical outlets in our office went out, including the one in my corner where I plug pretty much everything in.  I still had power in my laptop, but I couldn’t do much of what I needed to do without my printer functioning.  A few minutes after the power went down, the maintenance department came around and told us that they were going to have to shut down the power to the entire building while they fixed a wire that had burnt out and they didn’t know how long it would be down.  Bonus!  So, here I am at home working.  I thought briefly about picking Zach up early, but decided to let him go ahead and get his nap in at day care.

The weekend was good, but nothing too exciting happened.  Hubby and I attended a party with my Sister and her husband Saturday night.  It was fun, but Hubby was on call, my Sis is pregnant, and her husband doesn’t drink so I was the only one of the four of us drinking.  It made for a much more mellow evening than we usually have at these parties.  Everyone kept commenting about how quiet Hubby was being.  There was lots of yummy food though which I totally over indulged in.  Unfortunately, I paid for that the rest of the night with a bit of a stomach ache that kept me awake.

I’ve been sitting here this afternoon staring at my computer, knowing that I should be getting some work done, yet avoiding doing it.  I have too many other things on my mind.  There are so many other things I would prefer to be doing, like cleaning up the mess on my desk.  I have so many projects that I’ve started and not had the time to finish that are just laying around taunting me.  Plus, there are all the books I want to read that I never seem to have the time for.

I’ve also been sitting here staring at this form that needs to be filled out.  Before I started working at my current job, I worked for a company that contributed to a state retirement program.  It has been almost five years now and a few months ago I was informed that I had to withdraw the funds I had contributed and either roll them over to another account or take the cash.  I’m still sitting here with the form because I can’t decide what to do with it.  It is a rather small amount of money, roughly $1000 or so.  I could certainly use the cash right now, but would only end up with probably about $700 after taxes and penalties.  If I roll it over I could actually have a start at a retirement plan, small as it is.  My company doesn’t offer retirement benefits so that would be the smart thing to do.  I hate making decisions on stuff like this.

Even after eating way too much this weekend, I still managed to lose 3.5 pounds this week.  The first week is generally the easiest for me because the pounds just seem to fall off, but I think I’ll be even more committed this week.  I actually planned out fairly healthy meals for the whole week and went grocery shopping so we have everything we need to make those meals.  Now, as long as my Lean Cuisine meals don’t thaw out in the office fridge during the power outage today I should be set for the week.

Well, back to work.  I suppose I should at least bust out a letter or two for work before I go pick up the boy from day care.  If I’m lucky I’ll get an extra hour or so of snuggle time in with him tonight.



I’ve been wanting to write about Sarah McLachlan’s new holiday album Wintersong ever since I first heard it a couple weeks ago.  The problem is, I could never really find the right words to describe how I felt about it.  Fortunately, Heather (at my new favorite blog) did it for me.

“But there are so many Christmas songs that are quiet and lovely and meaningful, that make me feel like all can be right with this world. Sarah picks those songs. She picks the ones that underscore the stillness, the mystery, and some original compositions with an air of bittersweetness. There is not a single track on here that I want to skip, no gaudy garish upbeat tracks with cracking whips and ho-ho-ho’s that seem out of character to the collection.”

She wraps up my feelings quite nicely.  I have yet to go buy the album, because I couldn’t find it at my local Best Buy when I went looking for it, but I have been listening to it quite a bit on Rhapsody.  I can’t wait to get my hands on the real thing.


Jumbled Thoughts

I’ve been trying to write a blog post all day.  I get about three words down and them I’m all….duuuuuhhhhh…what else do I say?  I’m not sure what the problem is.  I have things in my head I want to write about but I can’t seem to actually get the words from my brain to the screen.  This whole week has actually been a bit of a struggle when it comes to posting.  The biggest thing on my mind is my diet and trying to control what goes in my mouth.  Yesterday went great but today has been a little bit harder.  That certainly makes for an interesting blog post, huh?  Just ask Maggie.  Perhaps I should buy her book with my Amazon gift certificate.

I somehow stumbled across a great new music blog this week.  The fact that Heather covers Pearl Jam quite a bit is just icing on the cake.  I’ve been browsing through the archives and can’t seem to stay away.  She also pointed the way to the Pearl Jam Bootlegs blog where I have been having fun downloading some live tracks including the recent Bridge School Benefit sets.

So, in case anyone is wondering, Hubby is now reading the blog.  (Hi honey!)  I’m not sure if that is contributing to my writer’s block or if it is just the lack of sleep the last couple of nights.  Zach is still not feeling well and was up coughing most of the night lastnight.  Perhaps I should not have taken him out in the cold air to trick-or-treat?

I turned down an opportunity to make a few extra bucks today which I normally never do.  One of the guys in our office frequently asks for favors (and pays!) but then will go around behind your back and tell everyone what a horrible job you did and how he paid you so much money to do it and you couldn’t do it right.  In most cases, it is actually that the project was done right but that he screwed it up afterwards.  Not that I’m speaking from experience or anything….ahem.  I would usually take on the job regardless of his attitude, but I just don’t have the energy to take on anything else right now.  I have too many of my own projects that are sitting around neglected right now to try to do someone else’s for them.

Ok, I’m done.  I need a nap…or maybe a Mojito.

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Thanks For The Warning!

Having kids in this day and age is scary.  You want to protect them from all of the harsh realities of the world, the child molesters, the school shootings, etc.  But who would have known that scrubbing some marks off the wall could end up seriously injuring your child?  If you have kids, or if you clean, you should go read this.

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