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Month: October 2005

Looking Up

Just when I get really down about my job, things start perking up a little. I just found out today that I get to start working on a new marketing project. My mom and I came up with the idea of putting together a little promotional brochure for our company and sending it out with a letter to some local building owners. Along with that, we want to build a simple website outlining the services we offer. She finally was able to talk to the boss man about it today and he gave us the ok to start working on it. Basically the “us” means me. I get to design the brochure and put together the web site. It may not sound like that exciting of a project, but compared to the filing and bookeeping that I’m usually doing it will be a lot of fun. I finally get to do something that I love doing and get paid for it!


Baby Update

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I just thought I would add a quick update about Zachary. He is learning so much these days it is hard to keep up with him. He recently started eating a little bit of rice cereal in the evenings. I was hoping that woudl help a bit with the sleep issues, but so far it hasn’t. He’s still not really thrilled with the cereal, but if I let him nurse a little first, he will usually eat it.

This weekend I put him down on the floor to play and stretch out for a bit and all of a sudden he was rolling all over the place. It was not the first time he had rolled over. He actually did that quite a long time ago, but he has never done it multiple times in row. He was rolling back and forth and moving all over the floor. You could tell he was quite proud of himself too. I was very proud of him as well, but this also means there will be no more laying him down and walking away for a minute.

Then lastnight I was playing with him in the floor and he started laughing. Let me tell you, that was about the best sound I have ever heard in my life. Hearing him laugh in response to me was so awesome. I can’t even describe it. Not to mention that he has about the cutest little laugh that I’ve ever heard. He’s let out a little chuckle here and there in the last couple of weeks but this was full out laughing. It is absolutely adorable.


Catching Up

I always feel the need to do a “catch-up” post when I’ve gone a few days without posting to my blog. I’m not sure why. I mean, can’t I have a couple days off without having to tell the internet exactly what I’ve been doing? I suppose I can, but this blog also serves as my personal journal of my life and I enjoy going back and reading the entries sometimes to remember exactly what I was doing at that time. So yes, I feel the need to catch up on my life today.

I’ve been quite the busy little bee lately, and unfortunately, the one thing I haven’t been doing is sleeping. I know the lack of sleep is something that all new moms have to deal with. But, when your little angel who started sleeping through the night at only a few weeks old suddenly wants to wake up every 2-3 hours all night long, it can get rather frustrating. He does usually sleep for a good 4 hour stretch starting around 8:00 and if I was smart, I would go to bed at 8 and enjoy that 4 hours of uninterupted sleep, but I need a little bit of time to unwind after he’s finally down. I try to make it to bed by 10:00, but going to bed at 10:00, waking up every couple hours, and then getting up at 6:00 does not exactly add up to a good night’s rest. Have I mentioned how tired I am? I almost fell asleep at my desk yesterday. I would love to take a night off and just sleep without being woken up. I can only imagine how good that would feel right now. But enough about that.

Work has been rather frustrating lately. It really is not any worse than usual, but I just don’t want to be here at all. I have big dreams of working from home someday, but I just don’t know how to make it happen. I could go out and find another job easy enough but I want something where I can make my own schedule. I want the flexibility to be able to take Zach to a doctor’s appointment when I need to or just to stay home with him when he isn’t feeling good. I also want something that challenges me and makes me think. I want something that encourages me to use my creativity and that I can get excited about. I want to be proud of what I do, not trying to blow off the questions when someone asks me about my work. I have so many big ideas, but don’t have the financial ability to back it. Plus, I am so afraid of failing. So, I stay where I am, search the want ads, and never do a damn thing about it.

Fortunately, I have at least been enjoying my social life lately (even though most of the time I would rather stay home and sleep). We spend a lot of time with our friends R and M. They have 4 kids, so when we do hang out it is pretty low key. The kids love to see the baby and we always have a good time together, even if all we do is play a game of Scrabble or Yatzee. We hung out with them Friday night. Then on Saturday, we left Zach with my mom and joined my sis and her hubby at her friend’s annual October birthday party. We all had a great time. After the party we stayed at my sis’s house, got up and went out for breakfast. My nephew had a soccer game, so me, my sis, my mom, and the boys went to the soccer game while the men went to my house to watch football. After the game we met the guys at my house, cooked a huge Jambalaya, watched a movie, and finally at 10:30 after everyone was gone, I fell into bed. I was exhausted, but it was a very fun weekend.

Also this weekend, I got a new wireless router which I’m all excited about. My old one worked ok, but I was losing my signal a lot and it was kinda slow. So far, the new one seems to be working much better but I haven’t experimented to see how far away from it I can get without losing my connection. The old one has been passed down to my sister who is excited because she’ll now be able to use her school-issued laptop at home. I’m also in the process of re-loading all of my software on my laptop. It has been acting funky lately and I’m really afraid that I’m going to lose it soon. So, I re-formated it and I’m only going to load the bare minimum on it and make sure I back up my files frequently.

I suppose that is enough catching up for now. I should get back to my boring, depressing job.

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Obligatory Posting

I want to post something, I really do. However, lack of time and lack of sleep are really hindering my ability to write. Hopefully I can catch up and will have a chance to post something soon.

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Fast Forward

It seems as though my brain is on fast forward today. There are so many things I want to write about, but I can’t seem to linger on any of them long enough to get a coherent thought out. Plus, my typing skills have been hideous lately for some reason. I keep having to backtrack and fix about every other word. Could it be the lack of sleep? Possibly. Since none of this really makes sense together, I’m going to attempt making a list.

  • The in-laws left this morning. I enjoyed their visit, but this means that I finally have my house and my baby boy back to myself. I still have to share Zach with hubby, but that’s ok because he helped make him. They also left at least 3 meals worth of food in the fridge so I don’t have to cook dinner again until the weekend.
  • I finally gave in and gave myself a haircut. I’m so tired of paying for a haircut and not getting what I want. I still don’t have exactly what I want, cause it’s damn hard to cut your own hair. But it will do for now…and it was free.
  • I’ve really, really, really got the design bug going on right now. I swung by Miss Zoot’s site today and it made it even worse. I still have a church website to build, plus a new blog template for Alicia but it is really hard to find the extra time to get my head in it. I also discovered last night that my “Pimp My Blog” site is broken and I can’t find my backups. Hopefully I will find them soon and be able to get it up and running again. Along with that discovery came the finding that my email hasn’t been downloading correctly and I had emails going back to June. I left several people hanging which I hate to do.
  • Since I have moved away from tblog I have started discovering so many new blogs that I want to read. I am so hooked on them. I think I add at least one new bookmark every day which is starting to become a problem because it takes me a really long time to get through them all. I think I need to get myself set up with an rss reader so I don’t have to go to each site everyday to see what’s new.
  • I’m really disturbed with all of the natural disasters going on in our world here lately. All of the hurricanes, earthquakes, and flooding have me rather distracted. I keep wondering what’s next and how long will the earth last with all of the destruction going on. Then I have to wonder what it will be like when my children are my age or older. What will life be like for them if this continues? I’m thankful that I live in the midwest, but I hurt for all of the people losing their homes, jobs, and entire lives to these disasters. I wish there was more I could do to help.

I suppose that’s about it for now. My brain is tired.