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I ♥ Faces – Week 9 – Creative Crop

This week’s I ♥ Faces theme is “Creative Crop” and I thought this picture was perfect for The adult category. I snapped it of myself one day while we were outside letting Zach play in the snow. I don’t think I edited anything other than cropping it down a little. It has always been one of my favorites.  The bright white snow made for a perfect background.


For the kids category, I have this beautiful crop of Evie. It is one of my favorites from her first weeks at home and I actually ended up using it for her birth announcements.

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  1. adorable.

  2. This picture of your daughter is really beautiful. I love how her pink hat matches her lips. I can see why you chose it for her baby announcements.

  3. Red Red

    Love that picture of your daughter, so adorable! nice crop

  4. Oh, that sweet little baby! I couldn’t see anything but that photo of the baby!!! :o)

  5. Both pictures are fabulous. Love the baby, so precious!

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