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Tag: zachary

Halloween Fun in the Kitchen

I debated where to post this entry because it really could work as a recipe post or even a crafty post, but really it is just about me and my boy having fun in the kitchen so I’m posting it here.

Back in early September I was walking around Dollar Tree and spotted a bag of Halloween cookie cutters.  I couldn’t pass them up for the grand price of $1.00 so I bought them and stashed them away.  Well, apparently Halloween is coming up in a couple of days (whether I’m ready or not) so I told Zach that we could go ahead and make some cookies using them tonight.

(And when I say *make* cookies, I mean roll out the Pillsbury pre-made cookie dough, cut out the shapes, bake, and then decorate with pre-made icing.  One of these days I’ll do it from scratch but I’m just not there yet.)

Zach and Evie both helped with the cookie cutters while I rolled out the dough and placed each cutout on the cookie sheet for baking.  Evie got bored after the first few and went off with Daddy while Zach and I finished up. I was a little disappointed because for some reason I can never get sugar cookies to bake without spreading and flattening out so some of the shapes didn’t come out too well. Zach didn’t seem to mind though.

I had planned on baking the cookies tonight and then decorating tomorrow because I knew it would make for a late night but Zach was having so much fun I gave in and we started decorating.  I think he got about four cookies done before he was too “tired” to do any more.  He munched on a couple of cookies, then headed off to bed and left me to finish the rest.

Some of them came out nice, some didn’t. But, the important part is that we had fun together, right?

Here are Zach’s masterpieces:

A group shot:

And my very favorite one* that I love so much I won’t be able to stand to eat it:

*The idea for the spiderweb design came from another blog (I believe she used it on cupcakes?) that I read this week but I can’t for the life of me remember which one. If anyone knows, please tell me!

Also, sorry about the crappy photos but I was too lazy to go get a real camera and took these with my iphone!

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I ♥ Faces – Halloween Dress Up

This week’s I ♥ Faces photo challenge theme it “Halloween Dress Up!”  I’ve been waiting anxiously for Halloween to get here.  I had a blast last year taking the kids out in their costumes for a photo shoot and couldn’t wait to do it again this year.  Since we haven’t had any nice sunny days lately (Boo to the dreary weather!) I decided to do them inside.  I’m not as thrilled with them as I was last year, but a few of them came out really cute.
My entry for the challenge this week is of Zach in his Sheriff Woody costume.  Instead of going for store bought this year I decided to put his costume together myself, which ended up being much more stressful.  I’m glad I did though because I was really happy with the outcome.  Plus, Zach loves it which makes it worth all the effort!

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There are some really cute entries over at  I ♥ Facesso make sure you take a few minutes to check them out! I’m already getting ideas for next year!

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School Days

This is the first year that I’ve had to deal with the whole “Back to School” craze.  Though he’s not officially in school yet, we did decide to put Zach in preschool this year.  Since he’s been at a home daycare for the last year or so, he needed a few supplies.  He already had a backpack, but we bought a brand new cars lunch box and thermos, some new tubs for his cubby spaces, a few new shirts, underwear and socks.  You know, all of the essentials.

Zach's First Day of Preschool - 1

Yesterday was Zach’s first day at his new preschool.  I had a really hard time deciding where to take him.  I wanted a balance of convenience (because he and Evie now have two separate drop-offs/pick-ups), cleanliness, friendly teachers, and a good curriculum.  It doesn’t help that my sister is an amazing preschool teacher, but is too far away to enroll Zach where she teaches.  I ended up enrolling him in a church preschool/day care just down the street from the home day care that Evie attends.  He’ll stay there all day, Monday through Friday so I don’t have to worry about any half-day transportation issues.

Zach has been ready for preschool for a long time.  I’m the one that has been dragging my feet on it.  He really should have been in last year but I liked having both kids at the same place.  Over the last six months or so he has been begging me to let him go to school.  When we went and visited, he jumped right in with the other kids.  He is going to LOVE it, at least until that honeymoon period wears off.

I am just hoping that I picked the right place.  There are things I love about this school and a few that I don’t like about it.  It will take some time to adjust for both of us.  It will take time to make sure that he fits in, that he likes it.  It will take time to see if the concessions I made on curriculum are made up for by the friendly teachers and convenience.  It will take time to get used to the new morning/evening routine, packing lunches, and getting out of bed earlier.

The scary part is knowing that I have to start this process all over again in a few short months to figure out where the kid is going to go for kindergarten.  Unless we are able to move before then, we may be looking at private school which is a whole other world of scary!

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I ♥ Faces – Week 29 – At The Beach

This week’s I ♥ Faces weekly challenge theme is “At the Beach”. Since we don’t live anywhere near the ocean, most of our beach outings are lakeside. On the few occasions that we have actually been to the beach on an ocean, I’ve been afraid of getting sand in my camera so I don’t have a lot of good shots. Since I don’t seen us visiting a beach anytime in the next two days, I’m digging up an old beach shot of Zach from our trip to Hawaii. He was about 18 months old in this shot. He had a blast playing on the beach, even if he wasn’t very interested in the water.

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Don’t forget to check out the other amazing entries over at I ♥ Faces!

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Four Years Goes Fast

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Zach on his 4th Birthday

Happy Birthday to my big 4-year-old boy! You’ve helped make the last four years the best of my life.

(Yeah, the mushy mommy post is still coming as soon as I find the time to write it!)

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A Much Needed Vacation

So I know it’s been like two weeks since I updated this thing, but I have good reasons.  I was on VACATION! A glorious, relaxing, no-internet kind of vacation.  We drove down to Texas to attend Hubby’s cousin’s wedding (with no A/C in the car!) which was fabulous.  Then spent the next week just chilling out at a cabin on Lake O’ The Pines with the in-laws.  We had so much fun.  Evie loved playing with her cousin Mikayla.  Zach got to go fishing for the first time with Papa.  We all went swimming in the warm lake water, rode around on a pontoon boat, relaxed, and just enjoyed each other’s company.  It was just what we needed.

I took about a bazillion photos (ok, more like 500) which you can see the best of on Flickr, but here are a few of my favorites:

IMG_0202Jason & Chelsea saying their “I Do’s”

Evie & Daddy

Hubby with his Dad and Brother

Zach Fishing

Evie begging for “up”

My beautiful niece Mikayla

Zach on the boat

This week we’re adjusting back to our “normal” schedules, catching up on tons of laundry, and preparing for another quick trip out of town and a big birthday party this weekend.  I’m hoping things will slow down soon so I can get back to regular posting here.  However,  it appears that while we were gone my baby girl turned 15-months-old and somehow my other baby is turning 4 years(!) old on Friday, so you can expect some mushy Mama stuff the rest of the week!

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