I am beginning to discover that there is a very direct correlation between how hectic my weekends are and how well the following week starts out. When we have a nice quiet weekend, Monday morning don’t seem quite as bad. When we have a very busy weekend, and particularly a very busy Sunday, I feel like I’m running to catch up all week long. That’s the kind of weekend we had this week and I’m still feeling the effects on Tuesday morning.
We spent most of the day Saturday cleaning and getting the house ready for the big Super Bowl/Birthday Party on Sunday. I don’t think it has had a good cleaning since mid-December so it was time. Hubby didn’t understand why it needed to be cleaned, but it most definitely did.
Sunday morning we had to be up earlier than usual as our church was having a big Super Bowl celebration. I had to get up extra early because I had a surprise for Hubby and needed to get the kids up and dressed without his help. As part of the Soul Bowl celebration at our church we were all supposed to wear our favorite team jerseys/gear. Since the kids didn’t have any, I secretly ordered them both a Saints outfit to wear as a surprise. Yes, the surprise went over well!
Hubby was thrilled with the kids’ outfits and I even gave in and put on one of his Saints shirts too. I was glad I also had a few extra minutes to set the camera up and snap a few photos before we headed out the door. I got one good shot of the four of us together and it will definitely be remembered.
Daddy taught the kids to sing, “Who Dat?” and then we finally headed out the door for church. We had a yummy pancake breakfast, played lots of games with the kids, and then enjoyed a great worship service. Zach even got to try out his first real “hoop-a-loop” (hula hoop). It was lots of fun, but I was exhausted by the time we got home.
There wasn’t time to rest though, because it was time to start cooking up the Jambalaya for dinner. I put the meat on the stove, settled the kids down for a nap and movie, made a quick run to the grocery store, folded laundry, and finished up a few last minute things around the house. Then I finally sat down to rest for a few minutes just before everyone started arriving for the party.
Since my Mom’s birthday was on Saturday, and mine is coming up on Wednesday, our Super Bowl party got turned into a Super Bowl/Birthday party. My sister made us a yummy cake and even decorated it in my favorite color. With the Saints in the big game, the birthday part got a little overshadowed this year, but that’s ok.
During the game things got a little tense. I laughed all week as Hubby told me that it didn’t matter if the Saints lost; He just was happy they were playing in the Super Bowl. Just as I expected, he wasn’t too happy when the Colts were ahead. He wouldn’t even eat until the game finally turned around but after that things got a little more exciting.
For the rest of the game, Hubby was jumping up and down, screaming, and scaring poor Evie to death. She had no idea what was going on, but Daddy sure does yell loud! When the game finally ended and the Saints had won, I think there may have even been a tear or two from Hubby.
Then Zach came in to see what all the ruckus was about and got swept up by Daddy.
It was quite the celebration at our house! I’m so happy the Saints won and that Hubby will always have that memory of his team finally winning. It was a very fun day, but as I said, I’m still exhausted from all of the chaos. I think from now on the Monday after the Super Bowl should be a required day off of work.
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