So, as I mentioned a couple weeks ago, I’m back to counting point values for everything that I eat. Weight Watchers Online is my new best friend – my new best friend that I just so happen to hate. Maybe hate is too strong of a word. It isn’t that I hate it. Weight Watchers is the only diet I have ever been able to stick to in my life. I just hate that I need it. I hate that I can’t regulate what I eat without it.
Since I am breastfeeding, I get a lot of extra points but even with them, my first week didn’t go so well. I did good for the first four days, then I caved. I was SO hungry. I ate a sensible dinner Thursday night, but we were at my mom’s house and I just couldn’t stop eating. Then the weekend was so busy that I just didn’t have time to think about counting points and guessed at what I was eating. Plus, I had to eat birthday cake and ice cream at Zach’s birthday party.
Despite my bad eating the second half of the week, I did still manage to lose 4 pounds. I don’t feel it, but that’s what the scales say so I suppose I should be happy about it. I think part of the problem is that I just have so far to go this time and I can’t seem to get the hunger under control. It is hard to believe that I can stick to my new eating plan when I feel so hungry all of the time.
So far this week is going okay, but I’ve already dipped into my “extra” points for the week. I’m trying really hard to get the cravings under control but it is still hard. I don’t remember being as hungry when I was breastfeeding Zachary, but with Evie it seems like I can never eat enough. I guess at the very least I know that I’m making (somewhat) healthier food choices.