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Tuesdays With Caleb – Week 6

Today was an interesting day. Caleb was not at all in the mood for the paparazzi today. He wasn’t much in the mood for anything today, actually…even delicious cheesecake. However, it was my birthday, so I was determined to have some fun – whether he was up for it or not.

My mom and I started a tradition several years ago (when we were working at the same place) of going out for a birthday lunch every year. Since our birthdays are only four days apart, it was kind of our special thing. The last two years Caleb has also joined us, which is fun since he is also a February baby. Today was the day for that celebration, so we met up for lunch at The Cheesecake Factory.

I always feel a little silly toting my big camera around when I’m out and about, but I made myself do it today. I shot with both my Canon and my iphone, and honestly, the iphone photos were my favorites so I’m including several of them today.

ipad-calebCaleb pretty much wanted nothing to do with his food and would only eat the whipped cream on the cheesecake. Sometimes I really wonder where this kid came from. I caved and gave him my ipad so I could sit and enjoy my meal.
caleb-cheesecakeselfies-mom-caleb-gma After lunch, Caleb had a gift card to spend at Target so we headed over there where he picked out a new Octonauts toy and a fireman hat (or “whee-whoo” hat, as he calls it). He was quite proud of his purchases.caleb-target

Apparently that was enough to tucker him out and he crashed as soon as he hit the car seat. He spent the rest of the afternoon on the couch snoozing away while I got to enjoy some peace and quiet.caleb-sleeping

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Tuesdays With Caleb – Week 4

January has been a rather warm month this year. We’re not sweating by any means, but compared to the normal ice and snow that we are used to this time of year, it has been pretty phenomenal.  So yeah, when my boy asks to go outside and play, who am I to squash his dreams? “Of course!” I say, because that is his favorite phrase this week. Any time I ask him a yes/no question, I either get a very stern “No, mommy!” or “Of course!” This kid, man. All of the frustration and stress that he causes in my life is completely made up for in cuteness. He always knows just when to turn on the charm too. Of course!








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Tuesdays With Caleb – Week 3

Today was a quiet day for the two of us. I fought the temptation to get him dressed and brush his hair before getting my camera out, but in the end decided that I would go natural. This – jammie top, undies, no pants – is what he wears more often than not for most of the day when we are staying home. Who needs pants when you aren’t going anywhere, right?








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Tuesdays With Caleb – Week 2


Well, it is obviously not Tuesday. This week’s edition is being brought to you on Friday instead. On Tuesday, I was in Texas celebrating the life of a very dear friend. Even though we are not related by blood, she loved me like a grandmother loves her grandchildren. My sister and I always called her and her husband our “adopted grandparents” because they might as well have been. It is a loss felt deeply, but I am comforted in the fact they are now together again in a far better place.

Since I was out of town, today is the first day Caleb and I have been together this week. I missed our time together on Tuesday. Little man is suddenly in a no cuddle phase, which is making me a little sad. He is also apparently hitting a huge growth spurt because clothes that fit last week are suddenly not fitting at all. Along with that, he is pretty much eating non-stop. He wakes up in the morning asking for a sandwich before he even gets out of bed. At least it is an easy request.

Here are a few more images from our play time today.







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Tuesdays With Caleb

Perhaps it was all of the sleep that I managed to get in over the holidays, or maybe it is just the time of year, but I’m suddenly feeling the need to write, to photograph, to be creative. I’ve been knitting like crazy (3 hats and 2 scarfs in the last week!), and I’m really missing the feel of my camera in my hands.

When I think over the last year or so I realize how little focus I have had on my photography. I had a blast at Shutterfest, my first photography conference, last April. I came home energized and full of ideas and things that I couldn’t wait to try. Then life happened and my focus went back to just getting through the daily grind while photography took a back seat. I took plenty of photos, great ones even, but I don’t feel like I improved much.

One of my biggest regrets over the last year is not taking the time to just photograph the every day. Sure, I have lots of dark, blurry, iphone camera shots, but I don’t have a lot of great photos that really tell the story of our lives this past year. I’ve gotten lazy about taking my big camera out to capture those moments. When I scroll through my Facebook and Instagram feeds I find myself feeling envious of the great photos that are being taken during the simple moments by my friends. I think how precious those memories will be some day when they look back at the timeline of their lives. I realized even more how much I have missed documenting when I looked back at some old photos of my own this week. The curls on my toddler daughter’s head (that are now as straight as can be), photos of Zach learning to walk, playing with a caterpillar in the front yard. I don’t want to miss those moments.

As I watched Caleb play today, in the amazing early afternoon sun shining through our living room window, I realized how much I am missing of these days (even though I spend more time with him than I was able to with either of the other kids). I decided then that I wanted to commit to capturing more of his childhood. I’ve been thinking about starting a new photo project this year to help keep me focused on improving my skills, but a 365 project is too daunting to take on right now. I’ve been thinking about a selfie project, but I would probably never complete that either. However, a project featuring one of my favorite subjects might just be doable. So, I decided today that I will attempt a “Project 52”, posting one photo a week (at least) of Caleb and his shenanigans.

I’m going to call it “Tuesdays With Caleb” as Tuesdays are one of the days that we get to spend together every week – just the two of us. I’m super creative with the titling, see?

Today I took five minutes out just to shoot him playing. I love that he went and got his little toy camera out and was taking some shots of me as well. I will most likely post a few of my favorites here and at least one shot on Instagram/FB each week, on Tuesday even, if I can keep up. Hopefully, this will help me hold myself accountable as well as help me practice and improve my skills as the year goes by.

Play time with Caleb

Play time with Caleb

Play time with Caleb

Play time with Caleb

Play time with Caleb

Play time with Caleb

Play time with Caleb

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On Dreams

When I was a kid, I dreamed of so many things I wanted to do when I “grew up”. The one that really stuck (at least through high school and early college) was that I wanted to cut hair and own my own beauty salon. I always wanted to own it. I wanted it to be mine.

Along the way, things changed (obviously) and that dream never came to fruition. I blame it all on the advanced accounting class I tried to take my freshman year of college. I grossly overestimated my ability to handle that class and dropped it after the second week. Then I changed my major from Business Management to Psychology. Oh, how I wish I could go back and tell my younger self what a stupid idea that was! (And I now do accounting on a daily basis for my full-time job!)

After I got my B.S. in Psychology, I went on and started on a Master’s of Social Work. One year into the program I decided I couldn’t finish it. One year of classes and more added college loans left me with no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I ended up in a temporary job that I have now been at for over 10 years.

Along the way I’ve dabbled in lots of different things. For a while I was convinced I could and would be a web designer, even though I had no background in design. I set up a web site and toyed with the idea of starting up a company. Then I had a baby and that whole idea fizzled out. It is a little hard to code on no sleep, with a crying baby in your lap.

The idea of wanting a business of my own never has gone away. It has stayed in the back of my mind for years, always as a dream, not a reality.

Then came photography. Photography has been a gradual journey for me. I have always loved taking pictures (as I can prove with the staged photos of my stuffed animals when I was a kid), but it wasn’t until I was finally able to afford my first SLR camera that I really pushed myself to learn about photography. I had no idea what an f-stop was, or ISO, or shutter speed. Little by little I figured it out and my love grew bigger than I ever imagined.

Last year I finally saw a little piece of my dream come true. I started my own business. I worked hard to figure out all the details and actually set it up as a legal business. Caleb threw a little bit of a wrench into my overall plan, but things are steadily growing. I’m learning a lot as I go along, including just how time consuming a little part-time business can be. I dream of it one day becoming full-time and being able to support my family doing something that I truly love. There is just no way to describe the feeling of joy it brings me when a client loves the photograph that I’ve poured my heart and soul into. It really is true that when you are doing what you love, it doesn’t feel like work at all.

I’ve got a long way to go to fulfill my dream, but the fact that I have started shows me that I do have it in me. I really believe that I will get there some day.


If you would like to keep up with my photography journey, please visit and “like” my facebook page at  You can also follow the blog at, where I plan to be updating more frequently (soon!).

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