Remember when I told you about the Blissfully Domestic re-launch? They had a few hiccups along the way, but now the site is up and running smoothly. The ladies over at Blissfully Domestic are posting some absolutely great content and I can’t seem to stay away. They pretty much have a channel for every one of my interests so there’s always something for me to read. And what’s even better? I have my very first post up on the Creative Bliss channel today. You should go read it and leave me a comment. Really, you should. You don’t want to make me beg do you? I’m posting with some very crafty ladies over there and I want to feel like I belong.
(If you subscribe here, you’ve probably already seen the post because I cheated a little this time and used something I’d already written. I promise I won’t be duplicating posts every time. I was just a little short on time and craftiness this time around!)