I do enough talking about kids’ TV on my other site so I thought it was time to actually talk about the shows I like to watch once the kid is in bed. Over the last year or so I’ve really cut down on my TV viewing. There are some shows that are absolute necessities, others that I catch when I have a chance, some I just don’t have time for, and still others that I continue to mourn long after they are gone (O.C. anyone?).
I have become a little peeved at the TV industry over the last couple of seasons because it seems that they just don’t give new shows much of a chance before canceling them. I watch a few episodes and get pulled in just to find out it has been canceled a couple of weeks later due to low ratings. They keep moving shows around to different nights and times as well, so I’m not sure how they can expect to keep ratings up. I happen to be extremely upset about the cancellation of The Wedding Bells. I was really getting into that show. Moving it to Friday night was the death of it, just like it was to Boston Public.
Then there’s the ever popular mid-season hiatus. I just don’t get that at all. I miss the old days where a season started in the Fall and ended in Spring. There might be a few re-runs in the middle, but those were easy to take as long as you knew you were getting a new episode the next week. I am thankful that they have started the whole summer series thing though. It is nice to have few shows to keep up with.
Since I’m sure you are all dying to know exactly what I watch, here’s a little peek into my favorites (using the almighty bullets):
- Notes From The Underbelly – I know it is brand new, but after watching the premiere last night it is a new favorite. This show had me laughing one minute and crying the next. I almost felt like I was pregnant all over again. The season pass is set! If they cancel this one, somebody’s head is going to roll.
- LOST – Anybody who does not love this show is dead to me. I just don’t know how you can not like it. I get angry when it ends every week because I just want more. I really want Juliet to just be nice and fall in love with Jack (who is played by the dreamy Matthew Fox who I still want to call Charlie because I’m still stuck in the 90’s watching Party of Five in my head), but I don’t see that happening. They paint her as being all nice and sweet and then she turns evil again. I totally feel like I’m getting the run-around and I love it.
- How I Met Your Mother – I have to admit that this one took me a few episodes to get into but now I can’t imagine Monday nights without it. I love Alyson Hannigan and the rest of the crew. Mondays are always rough and coming home and laughing through my Monday night sitcoms is just awesome.
- Two and a Half Men – It may be a little raunchy at times but this show is pure comedy gold. I love the sibling relationship because it is so true to real life. Who doesn’t pick on their brother or sister constantly? The best part of this show though is the intro song. Why is it so great? Because Zach sings along and bobs his head through the whole thing. We usually rewind the song a couple of times and then promptly put him to bed so we can watch the rest.
- The New Adventures of Old Christine – Again, this is just a funny, no-brainer type of show. I love the family dynamics and watching Christine make a fool of herself again and again is just hilarious.
- American Idol – I actually debated whether to include this one or not because I’m really not enjoying this season. The whole Sanjaya thing is just old. I do still like a couple of the contestants that are left, but am really disappointed that Gina is gone. She may not have been the best singer on the show, but I liked her.
- Survivor – Eh. Losing interest in this one this season as well. I’m not sure if it is just because the cast is boring or if I’m just getting tired of the whole reality TV thing.
- Grey’s Anatomy – I have no idea why I didn’t start watching this when it started. After watching the first two seasons on dvd and then catching up to this season via iTunes, I am really hooked. I love, love, love this show. The medical part may be a little off at times, but the love triangles and drama always keep me coming back for more.
- The Wedding Bells – As I said, this one has already been canceled but I still love it and will be watching until the very end.
Then there are the off-season shows that I’m anxiously waiting for:
- The 4400 – This is possibly the only sci-fi show that I’ve ever really gotten into. I dug X-files for a while but it wasn’t something that I had to watch every time it was on. The 4400 is so addicting. I can’t wait for it to start the new season.
- Big Love – A show about the ins and outs of polygamy? Awesome. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like this show at all when I first heard about it, but we decided to give it a chance and I love it. It almost has me convinced to move to Utah and let Hubby take on a couple of extra wives – as long as I get to stay home and the other two have to work.
- Dexter – Blood + guts + suspense + romance = awesome. The season finale didn’t seem to leave a great lead-in for the second season so I’m a little worried about what might happen to this show in the long-run but I’ll still be watching. It just might surprise me.
I showed you mine, now you show me yours. What shows are you watching? Am I missing out on any awesomeness that I need to catch up on?

I watch some of the shows on your list. 2 1/2 Men, New Adventures of Old Christine, How I Met Your Mother. I’m dying to see Notes from the Underbelly, and I’m disgusted that I had to miss the premiere last night, but I had to shop for my baby shower. Bleh. I watch a lot of crime and doctor shows. Any of the CSI’s, I like NCIS, Criminal Minds, Shark, and then my FAVORITE Dr. show is House. Love it.
I watched Notes From The Underbelly too and I loved it! I hope this one sticks around for awhile. You should try Ugly Betty. Pars of it are corny, but I love it. The other one that I love is Brothers and Sisters.
LOVE How I Met Your Mother. That’s good for at least 2 belly laughs on a Monday night. I still long for The OC and refuse to let my husband delete the finale from our DVR. LOST, Grey’s givens. How come you’re not watching Friday Night Lights? Best show on TV! Get season 1 on DVD when it comes out this summer. I promise you won’t be disappointed!
I’m so out of the tv loop–all my free time for media consumption is online, save an occasional dvd–but I did catch a few of the early episodes of the 4400 and really enjoyed it. I rarely like science fiction either.
I absolutely LOVE How I Met Your Mother. I feel like it’s my own little piece of heaven on Monday’s. Love Lost too.
I agree about American Idol and Survivor. I’m totally losing interest.
Oh God. Speaking about TV shows. I can’t shut up about it enough. I watch too much TV. Seriously. I would like to stop watching TV and read more. But I can’t. I’m like a moth to a light.
Even though we are slightly behind you guys in the US of A, alright, sometimes entire seasons behind – the plus side is that I can sneak a peek at the show websites and torment my TV-watching friends about what happens next.
Lost: Oh my god. You’re right – how can anyone NOT like it?
Prison Break: Michael is so cute. I think I love him.
Survivor Fiji: Can’t help watching reality TV shows. I love them to death.
Desperate Housewives: So funny, so tragic.
Ugly Betty: Season 1 just ended here a few weeks ago. Now that she has left Mode, I don’t think it’d be interesting anymore.
Biggest Loser: Can’t take my eyes off the amazing transformations.
America’s Next Top Model: Whatever will they think to put the girls through next? Some amazing bitch fights.
I watch all of those excpet Dexter, Big Love and Survivor. Although I will just never get into Survivor, I will definately check the other two out.
DRIVE- This is a new series and already has me hooked just after the first episode. It’s a must see.
THE RICHES- Another must see. Just hilarious!
MY NAME IS EARL- This is one too good toexplain
PRISON BREAK- LOVE IT!!! Especially Michael Scolfield. So Sexy.
And last but not least
THE WAR AT HOME- Very funny family show.