Tomorrow I will be the proud owner of a new little furry baby in the form of a puppy. Yes, I think I am slightly insane as this will make for a total of 4 animals (2 dogs, 2 cats) in our house along with the little human that seems to think he needs to start walking any day now. I actually got off work tomorrow afternoon so that I can drive an hour to go pick up the puppy. I have been out shopping the last two days buying all the supplies for our new little girl. I think we have everything we could possibly need now. The only thing I don’t have for her is a name. This is where you come in. I have a couple of ideas, but so far nothing that I really like. I’m looking for something cute, but not cheesy. She is a chihuahua/toy fox terrier mix so she will be a small dog and I need a name that fits her. Here’s a picture of her with her brothers and sisters:
She’s the one on the very left side. The lighter colored one. Please leave some name suggestions in the comments.

I hate those names like Princess, or Fluffy or anything like that. My cats are named after humans. What about something Pearl Jam, is there a title or something in one of the lyrics that stands out?
I’ll get back to you later with specific names.
She looks like a Ruthie to me. 🙂 I don’t know why…
I like Ruby.
And for some reason, I like Luna, too.
The chihuahua part makes me think Spanish, so I would name her Mona. (Mono means cute in Spanish!)
My brother informed me that it also apparently means monkey… LoL maybe not such a good idea!