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Caught In The Act

This morning Zach was laying on the bed after his bath waiting for me to come get him dressed. I was getting myself dressed and walked in to check on him. What I saw was so cute! He was laying there with his hand stretched out petting Pedro on the head. Every time he would stop, Pedro would push his head up under Zach’s hand to get some more. It was so cute I just had to take a picture. Unfortunately I didn’t have the camera nearby, so you have to deal with a pic from my phone. But still, how cute is that?

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Published inLiving the Life


  1. Oh that is so precious!!! An animal lover early on.

  2. Oh that is so cute!! An animal lover early on!

  3. That is sooo cute. I guess cats don’t care *who* they get the attention from as long as *they* are the ones getting the attention! 🙂

  4. Oh. My. God! How sweet!

  5. That is so cute, He is such a photogenic baby!!
    Nolan does the same thing to our dog Piper. Early on he pulled her hair so hard she squealed but didn’t make any moves to hurt him- She must know that he’s ahead of her on the totem pole of the family. I’m glad she is such a smart and sensitive dog.
    Even though you took it with your phone- that picture has a nice dreamy quality to it. I like it!

  6. Hey hey! first off, will be changing the link from tblog to this address. 🙂

    and what a cute picture!!! just a baby and already shows a caring touch for the pet! 🙂

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