It would be in your best interest to ignore this post. Seriously.
I think the worst part about blogging is that when I go for more than a week or so without really writing my mind gets all backed up. I have so many different things to write about that my mind can’t seem to focus on any of them. Then I start feeling guilty because I haven’t updated at all and even more guilty because I can’t seem to force myself to write my kids’ mushy birthday letters that I hope they will read someday. Then I just sit down and start rambling because I just want to get something new on the page – like right NOW.
So, the whole month of June has been absolutely crazy. First was our anniversary, then the trip to Texas, then a quick trip to Maryville for another wedding and racing back for Zach’s birthday party the next day. Not to mention that things at work have been all crazy too. It has all been such a rush, leaving very little time to sit down and focus on anything. I’ve barely kept up with posting pictures, much less any actual content here. It’s rather hard to post when you can barely even breathe. This week has been a little better, but I’m so tired that every time I sit down I fall asleep.
Then I realized this morning that it is JULY already and I have the next 3 weekends booked. Looks like it’s not going to slow down anytime soon. Wow. Can someone please send me a time machine? Or just make it all stop until I can catch up?