This picture is all kinds of wrong technically, but I absolutely love it. It’s not often I’m able to capture my three favorite people all together and smiling.
This week has been a little rough. We’ve been really busy every night, throwing off our regular routines. There has been some yucky stuff going on at school with Zach that has had me really upset (and him) but hopefully we’re getting that sorted out. Evie has had some of the worst “terrible twos” behavior that we’ve seen yet (though I think she is cutting more molars which may be part of the problem). The A/C in my car is out (again) and our garage door (the one that was still working) broke (literally broke into two pieces) as we were backing out of the driveway.
I hit a real low spot about mid-way through the week and just felt completely defeated. As I sunk into my bed that night, I prayed for guidance and strength. Coincidence or not, as I drove to work the next morning I saw a rainbow ahead of me. On my way home I saw another one. And this morning? Another one. Rainbows seem to be all around me all of a sudden, but maybe I’m just opening my eyes a bit more. Today I feel calm and things are definitely looking up.
This weekend we’re headed to the lake to spend time with family. I’m looking forward to finally having some time to relax and forget about the craziness for a few days. The kids can’t wait to go out on Grandpa’s boat and to go fishing. I can’t wait to sleep past 6:00 a.m.
To those of you in the U.S., enjoy your Labor Day weekend!
P.S. Have you checked out #dofunstuff yet? You really should!

Eek. What a week.
Wait, that was not supposed to rhyme.
I was going to email you about some “boy” stuff and their relationships that I have been wondering about, I wanted your insight. It seems we might need to converse off line. I will put together an email to you over the weekend.
In the meantime, enjoy YOURS. 🙂
I love the pictures. I get tired of photo-shopped pictures that people think are so perfect. But they aren’t. Give me a real shot like this any time.