Well, today is Zachary’s last day as an only child. By this time tomorrow, BabyG should be here and I will officially be the mother of two children. It is hard to believe that it is so close.
I had planned a fun mother-son day with Zach today, but the rain this morning kept us in bed instead. Zach had crawled into our bed around 6:00 this morning, and when he woke back up just before 9:00, he told me he wanted to watch a movie in bed and snuggle. I would have been pretty stupid to turn down that opportunity so we popped in Toy Story 2 and snuggled in the bed for about another hour until I had to pee and just couldn’t wait anymore. Once I was up, he popped out of bed and was ready to play.
We lounged around for a bit, had some breakfast, played with his cars for a while, and then I forced myself to go take a shower. I asked Zach if he wanted to go somewhere special with Mommy and have lunch and of course his number one choice was McDonald’s, so off to McDonald’s we went. I’m sure those salty fries that I inhaled were great for my already swollen ankles and feet. Zach was perfectly behaved and finished almost all of his happy meal before even asking to go play. After we finished eating, he played for about 45 minutes. I had a moment of slight panic when I realized that I couldn’t see him when he was climbing through those huge tunnels. I knew he would be fine, but he suddenly seemed so very small. I think this was the first time I have ever let him play there when his older cousin wasn’t with us to rescue him if he got stuck. Every time he came down the slide he would run over to me and exclaim, “I did it!” He was so proud of himself.
After we left McD’s, I decided to make a quick stop at Sam’s and surprise Zach with a copy of Bee Movie. He’s loved it since we saw it at the theater and I figured it would be nice for him to have something new to watch over the next few days.
Now we’re home and he’s napping. Everything is packed up and ready to go. We’re going to head over to my mom’s tonight and stay there since she lives less than five minutes from the hospital. That way Zach doesn’t have to get disrupted so early in the morning. I’m supposed to be at the hospital at 6:45 in the morning ready for them to break my water. I’m still hoping that my body will decide to do this on its own first. I’ve been having contractions all day today, but they are still anywhere from 15-25 minutes apart.
I still can barely believe that this day is here. It feels so strange to have the birth of my child scheduled. I was scheduled to induce with Zach, but we didn’t make it that far. It just seems weird to know that she will be here tomorrow. Plus, I’m starting to get a little nervous about the whole taking care of two kids thing. Taking care of one is hard enough some days!
If you are the type that obsessively checks for birth announcements (like I do) I suggest keeping an eye on my Twitter and Flickr feeds. They will most likely be the first updates. I’m told that the hospital has free wi-fi so as soon as I can manage to take a break from staring at my beautiful daughter, I’ll try to post a pic or two.

Alrighty then, I’ll be watching those two sites. God be with you all!
Ahhhh! I can’t believe the day is here already! I’m so excited to see pictures of this munchkin! I’ll be stalking the Twitter and Flickr feeds.
GOOD LUCK, MAMA! I’ll be thinking of you the whole day!
I am so excited for you!! I’m living this vicariously (or re-living) through you… I was scheduled for both of mine which was nice.
I can’t wait to see the photos of your princess…
Hoping for the smoothest delivery ever!!