A while back I decided that I was ready to make some changes in my life. I’ve made this decision many times, but I start and stop and eventually I completely fail. For one reason or another, I always find an excuse to stop trying. It’s too hard. I’m too stressed. Life got in the way. I don’t have time. I’m the queen of excuses when it comes to these particular goals and quite frankly, I’m just tired of it. It is time to get serious. I want to get more fit. I want to lose some of the weight that I carry around. I want to be healthier for myself, my kids, and my husband. I want to be a better version of me.
I wanted to start blogging my progress, but not here. I was tired of telling everyone about my failures when it comes to fitness, so I did it privately on a separate blog. I wanted the accountability, but I didn’t want to tell everyone I knew when I failed…again. Since I started the fitness blog, I’ve started and stopped twice – the first time because my knees were killing me, the second because life events happened that really were out of my control. But today I started over. This pretty much sums up what I think about it:
I’m beginning to think that I should plead temporary insanity and call it a day today. I decided to start the Couch to 5K program and nearly killed myself before 7:00 a.m. this morning.
If you want to read along, you can follow my progress at A Better Version Of Me, my fitness blog. I don’t plan to say much about it here, but at some point I may decide to import the entries over. For now I just need to keep that space separated from this space. I’m trying to be brutally honest about everything over there and sometimes that is harder than others. This here is my happy place and I want it to stay that way, therefore, the separation. As I said, if you want to follow along over there, please do. I can use all of the encouragement I can get!
I’m struggling with weight too, as I have most of my life. I’m a yoyo.
I choose not to follow you on the other blog because I don’t care for the idea that if you lose weight, you are a “better version”.
I don’t believe weight loss makes you a better version of yourself. It makes you healthier, yes. And that’s all.
Never equate success in life with weight loss.