Yesterday was one week post-op. Yesterday was also my first full day back at work. As much as I would like to lounge around the house and rest a few more days, I’m needed at the office. Sadly, the work just won’t do itself. It isn’t so bad being back, other than the fact that I have to sit up in a chair for eight hours straight and that isn’t very pleasant right now. I’m still pretty sore in the abdomen area and need to be able to lay flat every now and then to let that area rest. By the end of the day yesterday I was hurting quite a bit.
I woke up this morning feeling a little more energetic, despite tossing and turning most of the night. I’m hoping that I can keep my energy level up through the day as I still tend to tire pretty quickly. I’ve enjoyed the break, but I need to get back to my normal routines.
Hubby’s parents have been a tremendous help, as always. They came in and took over with the kids, the cooking, and laundry. They’ve been making the school/day care runs every day, helping with the kids’ baths, and even fixed a few things around the house that needed some work. I don’t know how we would have done it all without them. They pretty much took over all the “mom” duties and let me get the rest that I needed. I am so grateful to have in-laws that are willing and able to help us out from time-to-time. They are such a blessing. We’re going to be very sad to see them leave again.
One nice part of being forced to slow down is that I’ve done a lot of reading. Over the last week I’ve read one book and started another, which is a lot of reading for me. I really am loving reading books on my Nook Color. I love the instant access to whatever book I might want to read, plus I’ve figured out how to download and transfer books from my local library so I can read many of the books I want for free. The only downside to the library ebooks is that most of the books I want to read have a hold list and you only have three days to check them out when they become available. I’ve had to skip a couple that I knew I wouldn’t have time to read, but I can always put them on hold again and catch them the next time around.
As my energy and ability to move around come back, I’m looking forward to getting back to my photography. I’ve (barely) kept up with my 365 project, but I’ve let the Joy of Love class slip. I’m hoping to get caught up on that before the end of the month as I was really enjoying it. There’s also a sweet little five week old baby (and his momma) here visiting that I’d love to get in front of my lens before he heads back home to Chicago next week. There’s nothing I love shooting more than itty bitty babies!
So glad that you are feeling a little bit better. I’m also having problems sitting up right and am wondering how I’m going to go back to work on Monday. My parents help me the same way your in-laws help you. It’s so great to have a support system. Take care of yourself.