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Month: April 2009

Tutorial: Toddler Purse

Toddler Purse Tutorial

My mom and I have been searching all over for some little toddler sized purses for my daughter and my niece with no luck. I did find some on the dollar aisle at Target, but I’m sure they would be torn to shreds in no time. My mom wanted to give them to the girls as Easter gifts, but we just never could find the right thing so I decided to pick up some fabric that would match their Easter dresses and make them instead.

Since we looked all over for them and never did find any, I figured there has to be someone else out there looking for the same thing. I decided I would share how I made these in a tutorial so no little girls have to go without purses. 😉

(My apologies ahead of time for the horrible pictures. I had terrible lighting where I was working.)

2 pieces of fabric 9 x 12 inches (fat quarters would work great for this)
2 pieces lightweight interfacing (iron-on)
approx 1 yard of 1 inch wide grosgrain ribbon in coordinating color
coordinating thread
fabric pencil or marker
fabric glue (optional for making bow)

  1. Cut fabric and interfacing into two 9×12 inch rectangles each. Iron interfacing onto wrong sides of fabric.
  2. Toddler Purse Tutorial

  3. Take one piece of fabric and pin a 9 in. strip of ribbon onto each end approximately 1 in. from edge.
  4. Toddler Purse Tutorial

  5. Sew along the very edges of ribbon.
  6. Toddler Purse Tutorial

  7. Make bow with ribbon and attach on top of ribbon stripe. I made a simple loop bow and attached it by sewing just under the top loop.
  8. Toddler Purse Tutorial

  9. Fold in half length wise with right sides facing. Pin sides and seam with 1/2 in. seam allowance, leaving top open. Repeat with second fabric piece to make the lining.
  10. Toddler Purse Tutorial

  11. Open seams and iron flat, making a point on the bottom edge.
  12. Toddler Purse Tutorial

  13. Flatten bottom corners. Measure up 1/2 inch from point and draw straight line to box corners. Seam across line on all four corners.
  14. Toddler Purse Tutorial

  15. Turn lining so that the right side is facing out.
  16. Cut 12 inches of ribbon and pin one end along the top edge of each side, centering with seams. Sew ribbon to lining with about a 1/4 inch seam allowance.
  17. Toddler Purse Tutorial

    Toddler Purse Tutorial

  18. Insert lining into outer bag with right sides facing (ribbon strap should be inside between the two layers). Pin around top edge to hold the lining and outer bag together.
  19. Toddler Purse Tutorial

  20. Seam around top edge, leaving about a 3 inch opening to turn bag right side out.
  21. Gently turn bag inside out through opening. Fold liner into outer bag.
  22. Iron around top edge to flatten, then topseam around edge.
  23. Toddler Purse Tutorial

    Now, sit back and admire your work!


Zach's Pizza Party


Ever since Evie was born, Zach has kind of gotten the shaft on this here blog. It certainly doesn’t mean that I love him any less. It is simply because Evie is developing so fast and she seems to be doing something new nearly every day. And, since I documented Zach’s early days I find myself trying to keep up with that precedent that I set for myself.

In the meantime, I’ve missed blogging a lot of fun things Zach has been doing over the last year. He is definitely a struggle most days, as I’ve documented, but the kid is also absolutely hilarious. He constantly surprises me with the things that come out of his mouth. He has an incredible imagination. There are times that I wish I had a voice recorder to just follow him around with so I could remember all of his stories.

This morning on the way to work he told me he wanted to have a pizza party. When I asked him what kind of pizza party he wanted he explained, “Mommy, I want to have a pizza party on the grass at our house with everybody on Earth. We can all eat around the house and I’ll be in front. I’ll be in front of the house.” He’s been very interested in this concept of “Earth” lately and I’m not exactly sure he understands the enormity of it all. He went on to explain more about his pizza party, but I can’t remember the details now.

That is nowhere near as outlandish as some of his ideas. It makes me wonder where his imagination will take him someday and what amazing things he will accomplish in his life. He is such an amazing kid and I really hate to think about how much time I spend having to fuss at him to do this or do that when all he wants to do is tell me another story about Mater flying through the air to save Buzz Lightyear.

I know he’ll understand someday when he has kids of his own (he says he would like to have four, by the way) that life isn’t all about play. But I hope even more that when he’s an adult he’s lucky enough to have a job where he gets to use his imagination and play every day.  Because really, isn’t that what we all want?

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