No matter how long the weekend is, it just never seems long enough. My plan for two hard days of work and then a day to rest ended up being three hard days of work and we still didn’t accomplish all of the goals that we set out with.
You’ve already heard about Friday, so I’ll move on. Saturday we spent all day cleaning the house and trying to keep Zach from screaming. Hubby was a HUGE help even though he got called out to work in the middle of the process. He actually cleaned the whole basement by himself, then came up and helped me with the rest of the house. We got everything done but the bathrooms before we gave in to our laziness. We then cleaned up, went out to dinner and went shoe shopping. After we got home and got Zach settled and in bed, we tried to watch a movie and Hubby got called out to work again, so I went to bed.
Sunday wasn’t really a work day, but still was busy. We went to church, then to my dad’s house for dinner. After that, we were supposed to go home and do some yard work, but instead decided to take a nap. We didn’t wake up until almost 6:00 and then ended up going to see our friends that we were supposed to see on Friday.
Monday morning I got up and made a trip to Wal-Mart for a few necesary household things and groceries. By the time I got back I was exhausted. Zach didn’t want to sit in the cart, so I ended up carrying him through most of the store. I even tried to bribe him with toys, but that didn’t work. As soon as we got home, I fed him and put him to bed for a nap. Then I made my first batch of pear cobbler for the season. As I was working on that, I realized that I had forgotten a couple of very important things at the store, mainly the ice cream to go on the cobbler. While I waited for the cobbler to finish baking, I cleaned the two bathrooms that we skipped on Saturday, then made another trip to Wal-Mart for the forgotten items. By the time I got back, it was time to get Zach up and fix dinner. After dinner, I gave Zach his bath, paid bills, and finally at about 8:30 settled down to finish the movie that we started Saturday night.
Now I’m back at work, wishing I had another three days so I could actually do some relaxing. At least it’s time for lunch. I’m off to go pick up my Audioslave “Revelations” cd.
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